
Personal Narrative: I Grow Up In Rural Agriculture

Satisfactory Essays

I grew up in rural Texas where you quickly learn to take care of things that are important to you. Sports and livestock were about the only things to do in my hometown. My sophomore year of high school was my first meaningful interaction with healthcare. I contracted a staph infection during one of my games that season and it got to the severity that I had to be hospitalized for several days. The infection spread throughout my arm and was coming close to getting into my elbow. All I was worried about was how long I was going to be out of football, not thinking about the real possibility of losing my arm. That all changed when the physician examined my arm. He made me realize that I had a serious infection, not by scaring me, but by showing genuine concern and care. …show more content…

I always had an interest in science and coupled with my love for animals I felt like veterinary school was certainly in my future. I grew up on a small farm and part of my responsibilities were to take care of our

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