
Personal Narrative: I Am Cambodian/Americans

Decent Essays

The topic that decided to write about is something that has special ties to me. I am Cambodian/American. I chose this topic because it would give a better insight on the history of Cambodia and what relationship it has with the United States. I was curious as to how it was possible for so many Cambodians to make it overseas into the U.S. and was able to get a green card or sponsors. I really wanted to know, what was the role America had when helping Cambodia during the past? I have heard several stories from my parents and several relatives of their experiences during the civil war and genocide. They spoke about how they kept hearing of these people coming in and taking people to ‘America’ to get away from the war. The closest place for the majority of the citizens to go to be “safe” was to a refugee camp in Thailand. This is where my parents had escaped to (along with my 3 older siblings) to try and get the family safe. My mom had told me that is when the family had received a sponsor from America and they were finally able to have a new beginning to life. Growing up, I have always heard my parents speak so highly of the United …show more content…

First he killed anyone of status which could possibly threaten his position...doctors, scientists, teachers....anyone who was held in high esteem by their communities. He then made all work in the fields towards agricultural dominance in that part of the world exporting so much to Viet Nam and other countries that his own people were starved. Anyone who expressed views against was cruelly murdered, with lots of petrified witnesses to pass on their accounts. The result was mass starvation of the entire population fueled by the greed of an egocentric leader who cared more about money and control than the lives of people who were forced to work toward his twisted goals.

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