
Personal Narrative: How My Mom Changed My Life

Decent Essays

My mom taught me lots of important lessons when I was younger. We went through a lot of hard times and through it all she was there for me and my brother. My parents divorced, we had to move, switch schools, and move to different states. Even though there were many changes we tried not to complain because we knew our mom was doing everything she could to get us through. She tried to be positive and make the best out of our situation. I was born on April 12th 2001 in Jackson, Mississippi. My mom was married to my dad and I had 3 older brothers. Aaron, Kevin, and Drake. During the first three years of my life we stayed in Mississippi but eventually my parents arguments got worse so they decided to separate. That’s when my mom, my brother, and I moved to Colorado. …show more content…

I had to sleep with my mom because the other room was too small for two people. My mom found a job as an assistant teacher at North Park. I stayed at a daycare while they were at school. After a while we saved up enough money to move into a bigger house. Things started looking up after that. In the summer of 2006 we moved again to a house that I thought was “the coolest house ever.” It had big rooms and a loft where I spent most of my time. In August I had started kindergarten and made some new friends. I got involved at some activities at school and went to the events. While I was at home I either played in the snow or played up in the loft. Those were my favorite things to do. Everything was starting to feel okay again until my dad came to visit us in Colorado and told my mom he wanted us to come home and to fix

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