
Personal Narrative: How Death Changed My Life

Decent Essays

As a child, I knew nothing about loss. The closest think I had known about loss would be my dog dying a few years before. I was devastated and I cried forever, but it was nothing compared to when my brother died. The loss of my brother to suicide taught me more about life than I would have thought. I learned that death is different from when I was a kid than it is now, also how I cope with it and relearn about death each year that passes by. On December 28th, 2012 around 7:00 P.M, my mom got a call that my brother had been in an accident. My twelve year old self didn’t understand anything that was going on, all I knew was that I was furious that my brother, my best friend, and my idol, got into an accident. I of course didn’t know what kind of accident, no one in my family did. I was directly sent to my aunt’s house along with my sister. After I got to my aunts, I was told I was heading to Bronson with my sister, aunt and uncle. I had thought we were going to Bronson MI, not the Bronson Hospital in Kalamazoo. It took us about two hours to get to the hospital and the entire two hours I had no idea where I was going or what to expect when I got there. When my family and I finally got to the hospital and we were directed into a secure room where my parents were. All I remember was …show more content…

For example, the first year after my brother died, I learned that I was angry about his death all the time. The reason why I was angry was because I was going through the grieving stages. The five stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Every year is a different stage of grief. I’ve come to realize that you do not follow each grieving step in order. I believe that acceptance is the step where would finally get through the last stages. I don’t think you can go back after you’ve accepted it. Everyone grieves differently. I thought my mom would grieve the same way I did, she was the complete

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