
Personal Narrative: Growing Up In Chicago

Satisfactory Essays

grew up in Chicago, Illinois, a beautiful city surrounded by violence and controversy by the media. I found things more simple when I was kid growing up here, there wasn't much to worry about but as I got older things became more complex here. The sounds of the " L "' or as you know it as, The Train, and the roaring sounds of cars passing by my house made me feel alive while growing up and as a matter of fact still does. You could wake up in the morning and see the vibrant blue skies being pierced by the skyscrapers and see other kids playing ball or riding their bikes. When it was summer time I would play ins sprinklers or go downtown and play in the fountains with my family. Of course, like most big cities I had to watch my back while growing up because you never knew what somebody was up to. It's weird really growing up here because you never know what's going to happen next , wether it's a good thing or a bad thing. All I can really say about growing up in Chicago is that if I had the chance to redo it, I'd do if a million times. …show more content…

The smell of gyros and aroma of fresh chicken is almost strong enough to stun you. If you're visiting and need a famous place to go to and eat then I recommend Harold's Chicken, which is a Chicago landmark by all means. It's impossible to stay on a diet with all these restaurants in the way. You can walk on one street and literally pass by ten different places to eat. The food is as vibrant as the people, you can get a shishkabob next door to a place selling lobster. Walk further than the street and you'll see someone selling corn in a cup next door to a Chinese food shop. Corn in a cup is actually better tasting than it sounds by the way. It's corn , sour cream , Cajun seasoning ( most of the time ) and sometimes a sauce marinated over it. Just reading all of this will make you hungry even if you just

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