
Personal Narrative: Grandma Lorrie's Life

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"Buzz,"went my alarm clock.I am so exited to go to Ella's grandmother's house.The last time I went we made pottery.They are from a tribe called the Anasazi.Grandma Lorrie lives in a pueblo in New Mexico. When we got there I saw 2 buckets full of clay.Grandma Lorrie is going to demonstrate Ella and I on how to make seed pots."First off we need to make the clay as flat as a pancake,"said Grandma.I could not wait to finish.We followed along as she went.Then,we made our very own yucca brush to paint our pots.We used a leaf that grows on a tall bush.We bite the ends to make a point at the end of the leaf.After we finished doing our brush.We needed to paint our pots.Ella drew a panda and I drew a turtle.

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