
Personal Narrative: Going Into Middle School

Decent Essays

Going into Middle School I remember when it was time to go from being a 12 year old 6th grader, to a 12 year old middle schooler with a lot more responsibilities than I was used to having. I had to make sure all my homework was done on time (It took me awhile to get the idea of no late homework hammered into my head), asked for help when I needed it the teacher wasn’t going to help as much as the elementary teachers would do unless I asked, with asking for help was a lot harder than I thought it would be everyone was confused too, after awhile the teacher finally got tired of running around the room jumping from student to student, marched up to the front of the class and wrote on the board of how to do a certain assignment. …show more content…

I also noticed the middle school staff did not tolerate troublemakers and they were a lot more stricter about people acting up during class. The lunch room was not in the same building as ours, we had to walk from our 5th bell to the high school for lunch, it was MUCH bigger than the small one at my old school, a lot more people trying to get lunch, a thing that was new to me was that the only thing all of us had to play on (if we even did) was the football field outside, there was no playground just a field of open grass. Some of the friends I have now were because of a game that they played called “infected,” they saw me, having nothing to do, invited me to play with them, then all of us played that game until the 9th grade every day we were allowed to go

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