
Personal Narrative : Future Of Nursing

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Telenursing – Future of Nursing Technology has revolutionized society, including the practice of nursing. Today, nursing implements technology into their practice requiring both nurse practitioners and IT technicians. From desktop computers to portable laptops, smartphones, and tablets, this advancement allows nurses to work out of the office and on-the-go. This includes improving access to quality health care, an objective of the Healthy People 2020. (The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2015) This objective involves many health communication and health IT that can create a positive impact on health and health care team, including the option for nurses to provide and help patients virtually with telehealth. It’s called telenursing. As a home care nurse, I am trained to use my clinical experience and direct physical assessments to make a nursing diagnosis and nursing care plan for my patients. Telenursing has completely changed the concept of communication between nurse and patient. It no longer requires face-to-face in person as it can be virtually done, this includes consulting, educating, and monitoring a patient’s clinical status remotely. As a nurse, I must consider all aspects of this new job before I change my line of duty. In order to understand this concept better more information on telehealth and nursing is needed. Therefore, I investigated further. Telehealth is the use of electronic information and telecommunications technologies to support

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