
Personal Narrative: Fur Babies

Decent Essays

Fur babies. No other two words can describe my relationship to Winston and Edwin. They are without a doubt my babies. Winston is a three-year-old beagle we adopted a year ago. He is the protector of the house, but a loveable dog who just wants a belly rub. We went to the shelter not knowing what we were getting ourselves into. We had no intentions of buying a pup, but the moment his brown eyes and smile looked up at us he stole our hearts. He now takes over the couch, loves car rides, and isn’t afraid to beg at the dinner table. His favorite human is my dad; he cuddled his way into the soft spot of my dad’s heart and has camped out there ever since. He can’t see my dad outside without him being there. He can’t see my dad on the couch without him glued to side of him. He follows him and demands his attention. For a big tough guy who didn’t want a new dog, he has a beagle best friend. The second animal I had ever adopted is named Edwin or Ed for short. He is a black and noisy kitten. I adopted him almost a year ago, and his meow is the sound I look forward to when I get home. There were many signs that told me that Ed was a very loud and talkative cat, but somehow I missed all of them until I got …show more content…

The dog smiles more and is all around more loving. This is a wrong statement. We did not make Winston a better dog. He made us better human beings. He taught us that old humans can learn new tricks, that belly rubs can get you through the day, and car rides are the best thing since sliced bread. I also heard that cats are mean, lazy, and do nothing. This is also wrong. Ed is outside longer than Winston is, and he loves to purr and cuddle at the end of every day. Without both Ed and Winston, the house would be lonely. There wouldn’t be a constant friend around to enjoy the day with. How have animals positively affected my life? They make my whole life worth

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