
Personal Narrative Fiction

Decent Essays

Hi. You all seem pretty interested in me, or at least I can only assume so since you’re all letting your eyes rest on me as I sit here on your desk. Some are even touching me and quite honestly, I feel a little violated. That’s besides the point. I’m gonna tell you how a lemon like me got here on your desk. It all started at the top of a lemon tree- but not just any lemon tree. This lemon tree was on Venus. Some may argue that life is only possible on planet Earth, but here I am. I was a lonely lemon on the vast, barren planet. I spent my days hanging from that branch hoping and praying for an escape. I knew there had to be something beyond my tree in Venus. It had been there two years when I decided that I had to be my own hero. A storm was brewing again (it was an everyday thing) and I saw my chance to flee. The wind was strong and the clouds were thick as usual. A gust blew and I swung from the branch that I had called home for so long with everything I had. Within seconds I was free. I rolled and rolled and rolled until I couldn’t roll anymore. I was hoping I would roll to the edge or find something. Nothing. I saw nothing. Just the same old …show more content…

I thought my hardships were over when I was told about the most bizarre, morbid thing I’d ever heard of: lemonade. Apparently you humans drink my squeezed innards and find it enjoyable. In fact, there’s a popular saying that goes “when life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” I would really like to have a word with whoever came up with that because I don’t know what they could have against a wonderful fruit like a lemon that could make them want to mercilessly murder them for their own pleasure. Anyway, from there we were sent to a factory, washed and had stickers stuck on us. Then, we were placed in bags and sent to this placed called Wal-Mart where I met even more lemons. Who would’ve thought there was so many fruits just like me,

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