
Personal Narrative Fiction

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I suddenly woke up, in the hospital, all I could think was, “What happened?” There was no one with me. The doctor walked in and stated, “Hi, seems like you’re awake. Do you mind telling me your name? You didn't have any ID on you.” I stuttered and replied, “J...J...Jack.” He stopped what he was doing and just stared at me. I panicked and opened my eyes wider, then he just left without saying anything. I knew something was wrong from the start, but Ii couldn't detect it Ii just felt too weak, Ii slowly shut my eyelids which were getting heavier & heavier. The doctor came back a few hours later with 3 folders in his hands and he said, “Hello Jack, hope your feeling better, one of these is your file only 3 Jack’s that live in Sutherland, Ohio. Do you mind telling me which one you are?” …show more content…

He tried to imagine it again but all he could remember was him getting hit by a truck then put in the trunk, he thanked the doctor and went back to lie down. Suddenly he heard tires drive off as if someone was slamming the brakes. The squeaking from the brakes make him jump, he panicked he heard everything from raindrops slowly dripping down the hall, to his iv bag dripping full of saline. Despite being very weak, he stood up and gazed out the window, all he saw was black and assumed it was late at night, he walked out of his room and the hallway such as one of an abandoned hospital, very dark, electrical outlets hanging out the ceiling, and all the lights were very very

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