
Personal Narrative: Every Child Deserves A Father

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This I Believe : Every Child Deserves a Father
I believe that no child shall be deprived of the right to have a father present in their life. I am strongly against the belief that a man can willingly impregnate a women then later decide that he is not capable of being a father and simply be subject to pay child support. It is my strongest belief that if you can lay down and fertilize a child then you can step up to the plate and be a parent regardless if an abortion was discussed or not.
As a child I never knew what it was like to have a father; subsequently, twenty one years later this feeling still persists. Many people do not know of the hardships that I faced because of an absentee father, but for my mother? My mother always got …show more content…

Although I handled having an absentee father fairly well as a child --mainly gaining embarrassment whenever my sister spent weekends away with her father or whenever father daughter functions came around at school—as an adolescent the lack of a father figure being present in my life showed. I turned to marijuana, alcohol, and sex to feel the vacancy that replaced my father not being a shoulder to run to whenever things got tough. One might argue that such activities can not be blamed on an absentee father, but for someone who has met many people that also partook in the same activities, I can un-doubtfully tell you that we were just looking for someone or something to love us whenever our fathers would not.
The presence of a father in a child's life dictates how a child will function in society and how they will later parent their own children. Needless to say, fathers are necessities to children's lives. This I know, this I believe, this I will instill in my children:

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