
Personal Narrative Essay : The First Day Of High School

Decent Essays

It was the first day of my eighth grade year. I remember it vividly. I wore a blue button up shirt with a pair of jeans that I cut to wear as shorts and cuffed. I had blonde hair that fell halfway down my back and bangs that fell just above my glasses. I was excited and terrified at the same time. It was a new year; a new start. The last school year wasn’t so great. My mom was constantly going in and out of the hospital which meant I was pulled out of school a few times. I had to miss a state test called CDT because I was up all night with my mom in the hospital. The sounds of the machines were reluctant to let me sleep. The hard hospital chair that a nurse gave me was uncomfortable to sit in, let alone sleep if I even dared to try. I just wanted this school year to go better. As I said, I needed a new start. I knew it would be hard, but I was ready for it. Especially since I was now dating my friends ex-boyfriend. We had just started dating a few days before school started. I was so happy but I was scared of what she would think. I was afraid of losing her as a friend but I did not regret my decision. I walked into first period. Math; Algebra I to be exact. The teacher was Ms. Tennis. She soon realized that I was ahead of the class and would let me get away with not paying attention. She seemed nice. She eventually became someone who looked out for me. Someone who noticed when I was off and didn’t question it when she realized I didn’t want to talk about it. She just

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