
Personal Narrative Essay: Paola's Team

Decent Essays

Last year, in scholar’s bowl, I wasn’t in to win, I just was in it to be in it, because it was fun. So naturally, my team and I weren’t doing that well that year, I don’t think we had even placed in any meet. Then finally, we got to this meet, this meet was towards the end of the scholar’s bowl season. We were on last round out of I think nine, and I think we had maybe one two to three rounds. So in the round we were facing Paola’s team. Towards the end of the round, the score was about one hundred ten to twenty. My team buzzed in, and did something wrong. I’m not sure what we did, but it was wrong, and their team captain challenged it. He was the one who was answering a lot of the questions as well. Because of the challenge, we got our points taken away, and the other team got a question that only they could answer, and they got it right. After that meet, I decided that the next year I was finally going to try in scholar’s bowl a lot more. …show more content…

In Junior Varsity, at the beginning of the year, I was getting almost thirty questions a meet, which is three hundred points about every meet. Then finally, during tech week of the musical, Mr. Richards needed more people on the Varsity team, as he only had four out of the five he needed for the team. So since I was the only person on JV that had been on scholar’s bowl for two years, and I was available, he decided to put me on the team. At the meet, I got like nine questions right, which is pretty good. At least that is pretty good for a JV person that was moved up to Varsity for one meet that they didn’t have people for. A majority of the questions I got right were math, which I thought I was bad at math, then after that meet I realized that I am good at it, and now I like math and math class. So Mr. Richards made the decision to move me up to Varsity because I am good at math. So now I am in Varsity, for my math ability. So he caused me to be on the Varsity

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