While enjoying a break from shooting one of my films, I was vacationing on the west coast, visiting a friend. Inbetween our extensive debates on international politics and the environment, we happen to stroll the grounds of his estate. His home is set adjacent to the beautifully scenic Olympic National Park. The air was tinged with smoke from the nearby Constantine fire, which was happening at the time. It wasn't long before I noticed something strange at my feet, an entire pod of 30 to 40 Pacific Northwest tree octopi were littering his lawn. The poor creatures had obviously been driven from the moisture of their forest homes and were desperately migrating toward the safety of the nearby Hood Canal. Tearfully, we collected several of the dehydrated
One summer my parents informed my brother Ben and I we were going on a trip to Yellowstone National Park. I had never been so excited for anything in my life. I had a passion and love for nature, and being that Yellowstone had some of the most beautiful and interesting geological features on Earth, I knew I would have a blast. They said we would be going in a few weeks, and I literally couldn’t wait. I kept asking questions upon questions, and finally, my dad just got annoyed. “Go research it, Juliette.” He said. “The internet will know more than I do.” I took his advice and went to research Yellowstone.
When reading a book, do you ever think about how you relate to a character? I have, in the book Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. I relate to a certain character Melinda. Melinda is a teenage girl who just started 9th grade at Merryweather high. Melinda has struggles in her first year of high school and although I have only been in school for 3 weeks so far, I relate to thedifficulties she is going through.
Olympic National Park is a diverse ecosystem with 922,651 acres of wilderness, which include 60 glaciers, 13 rivers, 57 miles of coastline, over 600 miles of hiking trails and the largest herd of Roosevelt elk (Cervus canadensis roosevelti) in America. Olympic National Park ecosystems include subalpine forest, meadows, temperate rain forest, and the Pacific coastline; making this a diverse ecosystem. Because of the variety of elevations climate will vary, during october to march temperature will average “35ᵒF/2ᵒC to 50ᵒF/10ᵒC” and the rest of the year “55ᵒF/13ᵒC to 70ᵒF/21ᵒC” (Grace Lambert). Annual rainfall also varies from the western and the northeast side of the park. The western side of the park is the wettest side with an average
As we neared Grand Tetons National Park in Wyoming, we beheld the majesty of the mountains with snow interspersed between jagged protrusions of rock . We pulled into our camping spot about a half hour later, with an assortment of spectacular pictures with gorgeous mountain backgrounds. I sprung out of the car to observe our beautiful campsite.
I have to do a 1000 word comparative and contrast essay on "the new world"directed by Taerrence malik and the John Smith's writtings with six elements of stories, plot stucture, character, setting, point of view, symbolism, and theme...
The Olympic National Park is one of the most diverse national parks in the United States. The Olympic National Park has three main regions including the Pacific coastline, alpine areas, and the forest. The three basic ecosystems are the sub-alpine forest and wildflower meadow, temperate forest, and the rugged Pacific Shore. The park covers nearly 923,000 acres of wild land, including 60 known glaciers, 73 miles of coast, and 3,000 miles of rivers and streams.
The Olympic Park was the site of the largest dam removal in United States History. The Olympic Park is a park on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State and has quite a history but is not a stranger to invasive species and logging.
Chirp! That is a sound often heard in the wilderness, while camping. This outdoor activity is enjoyable for many reasons.
Over my spring break I was lucky enough to get to go to Florida with my college baseball team and I got to see one if the most beautiful baseball stadiums in the US, JetBlue Park. I got to watch Florida Gulf Coast take on Florida State at JetBlue Park, which is used as a spring training field for the Boston Red Sox. My initial thought of the field is it’s almost exactly like Fenway Park with the same field layout, the big green monster in left field. Which surprised me because this was only a spring training field, very few games will be played or broadcasted here. This ballpark was unexpectedly nice and an experience I will never forget.
This month my dad and I are visiting five different national treasure national parks. Today my dad and I are visiting Olympic national park. I cannot wait for this park. I heard that it was supposed to be beautiful and trust me it is.
Children serve as an important source of infection for infants too young to be vaccinated, (Pillsbury, Quinn & McIntyre 2014) thus the Australian Immunisation Handbook recommends that an extra dose of DTPa (diphtheria/tetanus/pertussis)in the 2nd year of life will reduce the likelihood of a child developing pertussis prior to their scheduled booster dose by four years of age (ATAG 2013). This is supported by World Health Organisation’s (2010) recommendation that a booster be given by age
It was a fine Sunday Morning. I was about to experience a fun day of baseball. It was a beautiful afternoon for a trip to the ballpark. I could hardly wait to get there to experience all of the fun things. I was with my brother and his girlfriend and my two nephews and me.I got there by car with my brother's girlfriend and me and my nephew. When we got there we went to the park there and played on the playground. Then we headed up to our seats which were all the way at the top ,one of the best seats in the house. I went down to the concession stand and my brother gave me $20 to buy three pops and a small pop for my nephews and me. The guys who comes to you and give you the ice cream and stuff. we got slushies
I have always have begun interested in snowboarding. It amazed me how the snowboarders glides down the hill so fast. Keeping their balance and not fall over into tumbling heap of snow, and how they stopped all of a sudden. It was my first year at the ski resort. I was so nervous my heart was beating out of my chest like a woodpecker beating on wood. It was the most exciting event of my life.
On March 1, 1872 President Ulysses S. Grant signed a bill into law that established the Yellowstone region of what is now Wyoming, Montana and Idaho as the worlds first National Park.
My stepmother, my father, their grandchild, and I took a family vacation to Busch Gardens. Upon leaving time, we packed for the stay in Richmond, VA. My father got the truck ready, Karen, my stepmother, brought a pillow with a purple cup full of ice. The grandchild got together her toys and was just as happy as she could be at 6:30 A.M. in the morning. I, on the other hand, was beyond ready to jump right back into bed and sleep for another year because I could’ve probably have done it that hot day.