
Personal Narrative Essay

Decent Essays

I sit with my feet crossed in one of the two chairs, holding a Better Home and Gardens magazine to distract me from the sterile views and smells of a medical office. After finding no resolve for my stress in the pages, I glance up and immediately spot what looks like an EXIT sign, but its lettering shouts at me, ¨AUTHORIZED ONLY, MAGNET IS ALWAYS ON. ¨ Then, my vision is caught again, and I look down below the two vast white doors and there lay a massive black rug. It also screams, ¨AUTHORIZED ONLY, THE MAGNET IS ALWAYS ON¨ in the same big, chunky, red font as the sign hanging above. The words cry out to me as if to warn me of what is to come from behind those doors. I look down and twiddle my locker key in my hand anxiously as I wait for the Radiology Technologist to pick me up from the small waiting room. *** Five days prior to this moment, I am sitting on a medical exam table swinging my legs back and forth anxiously. “Emily, it is your turn to see Dr. Prao,” my trainer calls for me. I walk to the exam table in the small room and sit down while she finishes typing notes on the previous student-athlete. She turns and greets me with a warm smile on this chilly January afternoon. “How are you feeling, Emily?” After asking me an array of questions, the doctor inspects my shoulder movement and watches my shoulder blades as I perform …show more content…

As the ear plugs swell to fill my ear canal, her voice grows lower and lower and I inhale deeply to avoid my blood pressure from rising. The technologist plants another pillow beneath my knees for comfort and tucks me tightly into the blanket to keep me warm. Turning swiftly and walking to a shelf with many different sleeves, she picks one up, walks back over to where I lay, and hugs it around my right shoulder with the blanket wrapped over it to hold the device in

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