
Personal Narrative Essay

Decent Essays

I was in second grade and excited to begin the new school year. When I tried to greet two new students, both large boys, they stared at me and burst into sarcastic, menacing laughter, taunting me with the derogatory term “chocolate boy.” As the days went by, other students took up this taunting and then it moved to physical intimidation. I had a clear sense that danger was imminent, and I began to feel a terrible sense of vulnerability. It was at this point that I decided, after my parents’ suggestion, to learn some method of self-defense. As I began to review my options, I realized Karate and Taekwondo were structured to transform me into a fearsome practitioner of violence. As a fundamentally affectionate and demure person, I was troubled …show more content…

Then he explained that his art was first developed almost 1000 years ago as a way for peaceful farmers to defend their villages against invaders and was later adopted by the more spiritual Samurai, or Bushi in Japanese, who protected the emperor. For many centuries, this art remained a closely guarded secret, but in the early part of the Twentieth Century, Sokaku Takeda brought it to the world. I have come to idolize this art and embrace its rich culture and language, and I have learned hundreds of self-defense moves and mastered throwing mechanisms required to receive the title of Shogun, or first-degree black belt. I have also become proficient in the use of weapons such as Bo staff, Sai, and Katana, a curved sword that is the “soul” of a Samurai. Unlike most martial arts where students receive their black belt after two years, Daito-Ryu-Aikido requires at least ten years of training for a recipient to become eligible to test for a black belt. With my determination and perseverance, I received my black belt in eleven years on my first try with flying colors along with a commendation from Kyoshi as being his

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