
Personal Narrative Essay

Decent Essays

My sister Julia, at the age of twelve, went to school on a Tuesday. Though on this particular day, she chose to wear her brand new short overalls she had gotten as a birthday present. The shorts, which she wore with pride, were denim and accented with lace. When she wore them, her face exuded confidence. She strut into the kitchen, singing loudly as she went about her tasks. She was still singing when we dropped her off at school, and we watched as she approached the building to go about her day. My bright eyes sister looked as if nothing in the whole world could phase her, and usually, that was a true statement. My sister, though only twelve years old, was a storm of a human being, and was hard to deter. The day went on, and for most of my …show more content…

Why are you wearing that? Did someone make you change? Have you been crying?” I didn’t wait for answers, but instead pestered her with as many questions as I could think of. “My teacher,” she started to say, interrupting my interrogation. “She pulled me out of the class in front of everyone. Took me into the hallway and told me my shorts were too short. They had me go to the office and they made me wear these.” As she spoke, tears began to well in her eyes, the embarrassment streaming down her face. My sister, the unwavering storm she was known to be, had been brought down by a pair of shorts and the words of a teacher. I began to get very angry. The idea that my sister’s choice of clothing was deemed to distracting for her peers, and that a twelve year old girl could in anyway distract students by what she was wearing, was infuriating. I began to yell and pace and I let my anger consume me. She was twelve, I kept saying to myself. What about her was distracting? I looked at her again, trying to figure out who she would distract. Her classmates? Teachers? In every circumstance I could think of, the concept of a twelve year old girl creating a environment that wasn't suitable for learning didn't make sense. I was appalled. And my sister was left in a state of

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