
Personal Narrative Essay

Decent Essays

Whew! Attending college full time and working part time kept my mind busy. The one hour drive home from UNC was a respite which allowed my mind to wander. On this particular day, it was wandering between summer vacation plans and my research on the meaning of Zen when I noticed the neighbor’s large, white cat, Phaton, wrestling with a small animal on the front lawn. “Phaton! Get away from that squirrel!” Stepping out of my car, I positioned myself as a barrier. There would be no lip smacking or paw licking on my lawn. “Now that you’ve made it to the tree, you can climb to safety,” I encouraged. To my dismay, I realized that what I thought was a squirrel was instead a prairie dog and could not climb. Its den was just a block away. As if on cue, the little rodent began to run toward 2nd Avenue, the intersecting street. I felt empowered to be at the right place at the right time to save a cousin of the slaughtered mink.
As a young adult, I believed that my voice could change the world - the animal world. I presented a speech on factory farms at the state’s high school Thespian meet; I bickered with my father that he shouldn’t kill Bambi’s mother, and attended protest rallies in front of Lloyd’s Furs with signs sporting candid photos of skinned minks - still alive. Ridding all …show more content…

Next, it plopped its belly onto the warm asphalt. Concurrently, it spread out each foreleg, one at a time, and laid it beside his unmoving body. Instantly, silence gave way to the rumble of a large, white, Ford truck’s diesel engine. The truck didn’t swerve to miss it, nor did it swerve to hit it. The truck ran over it expeditiously. My jaw dropped. I stood there - with my mouth open. Never before had I witnessed a death occur. In one minute’s time, I saw an animal choose to spread its body in the path of its demise. Was it destiny or

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