
Personal Narrative: Emmaus High School

Decent Essays

Emmaus High School Walking into Emmaus High School for the first time was definitely scary. I wasn't sure how to feel. I was a little apprehensive, a little excited, and on the verge of a heat stroke. I had affirmed that morning to my parents that I wasn't that nervous. I felt coerced to be scared, as all the stories I had heard were terrifying and everyone else was mortified, so I should be too. Standing in the heat looking for my friends, I thought about what I knew, or thought I knew, about the high school. It seems everyone likes to scare incoming freshman, traumatize them into dreading every day closer to school. I certainly was. However nervous I was though, I realized somewhere very, very deep inside, I was imploring to go somewhere that I wasn't haunted by all the embarrassing middle school memories. …show more content…

After Mr. Miller yelled at us like a army general about all the things we shouldn’t do, they set us loose to find our homerooms, which I did with limited difficulty. After we were admonished for things we hadn't yet done and acquired all the paperwork that would take our parents hours, we were set loose again. I got lost. The school was like a complex labyrinth and I had no idea where to turn. I ended up walking up and down the same hallway, passing the class I was supposed to be in multiple times. Finally, I checked my schedule for the room number and realized I was exactly where I was supposed to be. After having very similar experiences with my other classes, I finally got to go home. The bus home was not a pleasant experience. It was full of over confident freshman yelling foul

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