
Personal Narrative

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“Ding, ding, ding” the gong rang as the challenger fell to his knees, head limped forwards, looking lifeless in front of the champion. He returned to his corner to leave when his second out of nowhere, came in and slapped him hard on the cheek as the sound resonated across the hushed stadium. “That was a pathetic fight champion,” shouted a man.
HARU ripped his blood caked eyelids open to confront a depressed man wearing a Homburg hat and a tuxedo.
“Sorry,” said Haru.
“Why can’t you hit him like you mean it,’ sighed his second.
“Sorry,” said Haru.
Haru got up to his feet, hoping to get out of the stadium as soon as possible. However, when Haru began walking up the dreadful stairs to the surface, he encountered a woman in a bright white dress …show more content…

Must of have costed you a lot of hard work right?” Smiled the woman.
Haru looked down at his tattered, greasy and old leather shoes as he brushed her off.

Haru reached the surface as he stared at the grey sky. What he knew before as a vibrant city, bustling with life was now no more than rubble and ashes. The air in the city was stale, choking him every time he breathed. There was no life present in this city, not a single living thing. Most of his city looked this way, looking as if everything people strove to achieve was demolished right in front of their eyes in an instant.
And Haru could feel his life, his whole essence being eaten away by an eerie green glow. The fact that he was dying was evident and he knew. There was nothing left for him in this world. Physical torment didn’t bother him anymore as the most excruciating agony sparked when the bombs first fell, completely crippling his nation and his people. He knew the once extraordinary country was starting to blur away gradually.

Haru repeated his boxing routine day after day to keep his mind occupied.
“But what’s the point?” he whispered.
Next fight would be my last he thought as beads of tears dripped down his …show more content…

Haru magically stood up as he shouted “If it wasn’t for you people!”
“Referee, he is unconscious!” The challenger cried. “Box!”
With burning passion to win, Haru threw himself at the American and landed an unexpected clean one-two on his face. He instantly reached for the body as he dug his left fist into his liver. The challenger moaned and fell to his knees and head limped forwards.
“Ding, ding ding,” the gong denoted another victory for Haru.
The whole crowd teared up as they looked admirably at Haru. He was shadow boxing; repeating the moves he honed years after years. His second embraced him and instructed him to stop as he cried "you can stop now."
The whole crowd got up to their feet as they applauded in tear the man that enlivened them to reconsider their life, to recreate their nation.
“Exactly the fight I was hoping to see with these aged eyes before they close,” smiled Haru’s second.
“Thank you” said

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