
Personal Narrative: Dealing With Darkness

Decent Essays

Dealing With Darkness The first time I can remember hearing Darkness whisper in my ear was when I was seven years old. I can still feel of my scratchy carpet on my legs and the hot tears running down my puffy cheeks. I remember holding that old purple notebook in my hand and reading and rereading the only three words on the paper and the only three words I believed. I had scrawled “YOU ARE WORTHLESS” across the lined page in my childlike chicken-scratch. Thinking back on that now, I don’t know how I learned that feeling, much less where it came from. I think about my little six year old cousin and wonder if he even knows the word worthless. However, Darkness whispered it into my ear, making it sound enticing and made want to believe all …show more content…

I was pulled away my little red house in Delhi, Ohio to the warm house in Hilliard, Ohio then crossed the Atlantic to Aurillac, France as an exchange student. After my exchange in France I returned to Hilliard and was relieved by the comfort I found. Finally, just two months before my senior year I came to Newnan, Georgia. Darkness planted roots in me, I unwillingly took him everywhere I went. I found comfort in the familiarities of his looming presence and cherished the moments he spent mumbling the truths Darkness had created for me, murmuring all the things I saw myself as. I reveled in the validation he gave me for feeling this way. He made me feel like I wasn’t crazy, he made me feel normal. As the years have gone by I have realized that multiple truths can exist in one situation. One statement isn’t final. One thing a friend or a parent or even Darkness says is not the truth or the only truth. I can make a mistake and not let Darkness’s words of worthlessness and inadequacy affect me in the way that they used to, which gives me a feeling of power. Finally, I understand that I have the power over Darkness, when before I used to crumble at his touch. I love where I am

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