
Personal Narrative: Chuck E. Cheese

Satisfactory Essays

In this picture, we were just leaving Chuck E. Cheese and I was obviously was very angry about that. They had just got in new games and rides, so I was very thrilled. They had this cancel that was full of bright colors and beautiful horses. They also had a play area that seemed humongous in my four year old eyes. I was having a ball and we were there already for three hours. I still didn’t want to leave. When you are for time is in endless. You can stay in one place for a huge amount of time if it is giving you satisfaction. At that age if I could have lived at the Chuck E. Cheese’s playhouse I would have done so, but my mom definitely would not have let that happen. In this picture we were leaving Chucky cheese and my mom wanted to get a …show more content…

I on the other hand was a spoiled little girl with a single parent who provided her with everything she wanted. When we got in formation to take the picture, I began to scream louder as if I was person in a horror film. A stranger volunteered to take the picture and while he grab the camera I continued to yell just to get attention. As he counted down to take the picture, bystanders began to look our way. My mom tried to settle me down, but I was furious. As the mom began to take the picture, through a half smile and clenched teeth my mom said, “Stop yelling Tishira and take this picture now before you get a whooping.” As you can see, I continued to yell. My grandma began to get fed up with my yelling so she too started to tell me to “hush-up”, which explains her face in the picture as well. Once the stranger got done taking the picture, he gave the camera back to my mom and she looked at the picture and from her facial expression you could easily tell that she was displeased. I got a whooping after that picture and I cannot remember ever going back to Chuck E. cheese after that. My mom obviously found some humor in the photo because she printed it out. The story behind this picture is one in a million and that is how we got

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