
Personal Narrative: Chris Daniels's Intro To Music Business

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“A duet, some made up philosophy, a personal tale and a disappointing finale” I still vividly remember my first day in “Intro To Music Business” with Chris Daniels, and he said something to the class that day that has weighed very heavily on me throughout this semester. His words to the class that day were something along the lines of “If you think that you are ready to go out and play...if you know that you could be out there playing gigs and touring and making money in the field, then you should drop out right now and go play.’’ -Chris Daniels In context, this made a lot of sense to me and it really motivated me to dive into my studies here, because that was exactly why I had originally transferred into the songwriting program; I wasn't …show more content…

Each week we set individual tasks for the next meeting as well as review progress towards the monthly goals we have established. Then at the end of each month we review our progress and adjust future goals accordingly. At this point the next step was creating a way for us to track our stuff and have it easily accessible for us both. We created a gmail that we could use for official correspondence, and use the google drive to store all of our related documents, contact info, and song material. That just leaves the actual plan itself. …show more content…

At this point we had intended to launch our social media “campaign” around mid May, and had about 25-30 minutes of material. We planned on finishing up a few recordings between April and May so that we could have some content available on our site, and then we could play some open mics to work on our live presence and stage chemistry. The show was booked at Tony P’s, and we would be opening for Chloe Tang. Each set would run about an hour and the gig was paid, so we sat down and talked out the pro’s and con’s. We only had about a week to prepare, so we tried to weigh the work that would be required to get ourselves ready compared to the benefits of waiting and sticking with our original plan. By that night we basically just said “fuck it, this could be worth it, let's go for

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