As I was walking in the hallway I knew something was going down as I saw Coal in the reflection of a picture,Coal was following me and then in a flash my bag gone and all of my stuff then I looked 1 hallway down I found my bag but my homework was gone and then I knew I was getting into trouble.... At lunch the next day I got my lunch and was going to my table that had nobody there and then I knew something was going to happen because Coal was looking straight at me and then he tripped me into this other big kid and I dropped my tray on him and after lunch I got blamed for dumping my tray on him. The next few day were good and nothing bad happened until it was P.E day and it was a game day witch are fun for everybody else and mostly Coal because
Hi my name is sara and I was in the California wildfire and I survived. It was a terrible thing it went so fast and I didn’t think i would get out fast enough before the fire hit where I lived. But I got out my mom died but me and my little sister got out. We live in a homeless shelter let me tell you how the fire affected my life. I got caught in the loma fire and it
The tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen, or better known as King Tut contained a tiny glass object colored deep blue with cobalt. Since ancient times cobalt compounds have been used to produce blue glass and ceramics. Cobalt blue was discovered even earlier in China and was used for pottery glazes. The name Cobalt comes from the Greek word for mine, cobalos and the German word for goblin or evil spirit, kobald. Cobalt was discovered by a Swedish chemist named Georg Brandt in 1739. Georg Brandt was attempting to prove that the potential of certain minerals to color glass blue was due to an unknown element because bismuth was the source that was commonly thought to at the time. Cobalt has been detected in Egyptian sculptures and Persian jewelry from
Connie is like most young women these days. She has an idea of what to do for career just has not yet put enough thought into it to feel good about a decision. Connie is a smart seventeen year old young woman. Her mother is struggling to provide for Connie as a single mother working two jobs and only wants the best for Connie. Her mother is often quoted as saying, “I don’t want Connie to make the mistakes I have.”
Footsteps in the hall got louder and louder, as I started to speed walk. My heart was pounding faster and faster with every second. Once I turned around, there was a girl who was a few feet behind me, looking straight at me with her piercing eyes. Then, I turned back around and continued in the direction I was headed. As I was close to approaching my classroom, I turned around one more time and the girl disappeared in plain sight.
My imagination took over my sense of reason because I thought someone was outside as i was home alone but in reality it was my little sister outside knocking. It was on Friday night all of my family went to my aunt’s house around 7pm. I was doing my homework in the living room and the only noise that was in the house my music but it was very low and i was finishing up my homework i kept hearing banging noises. At this point my
At 5:58 am my alarm went off like every teenager i hit the amazing snooze button. Wow i love that button. As the next nine minutes went by i just layed in bed thinking that it's friday and that the day is going to be great,but it's not. As i get up to get things taken care of i started not feeling good. By 6:40 am i was walking to my bus stop. As i was walking on my dark road i notice that the bushes are moving and that there is a noise from an animal. I was thinking that it's just my imagination but it wasn't sadly. I can't go back home because i can't get a ride to school because my parent wasn't able to so i had to walk by this moving bush that's making noises (scary noises). As i pasted this bush i was thinking that it's
Then one day I was sitting on the bench in the shade reading my book. His name was Jonathan, he grabbed my book and ran. So I sat there and yelled at him to bring me back my book, never managed to achieve. Next thing I know I’m chasing him around the playground yelling at him to give me my book. I gave up and stopped running and then went somewhere he wouldn’t be able to see me. Whenever I saw him stop and sit down I ran out and grabbed my book and then he grabbed my arm. I told him to let go and next thing he did was give me an Indian burn. Then I cried and told my teacher. My lesson learned from this was reading shouldn’t be done at recess.
My car was parked outside on the driveway, well my mom's old beat-up Volkswagen, which was bound to fall apart any time soon. I drove to the local restaurant near school and walked to the high school. The police cars disappeared, but there were a few cars in the parking lot that seemed to belong to detectives and teachers.
In the second grade I was sitting down in my class. It was on a Tuesday evening when we were doing math independently. I took out of my backpack, found four pencils and placed them on my desk. Then I started working on my assignment. A boy name William went up to my desk and said “Brandie, those are my pencils so give them to me”. Brandie said “No, these aren't your pencils I bought them from home “Then William punched me in the face for not giving him the pencils. I was mad and cried because I wanted hit him back but my parent would have been mad at me if I reacted the same, so I told the teacher what happened.
I am very persistent. Once I set my mind to something, I strive for it until I achieve it or it has proved impossible for me to obtain my goal. It was once my goal to join the Army. Although I was overweight, I worked until I made the correct weight limit and kept trying to join until they told me I couldn't join because I had eczema as a child. I believe that I should always try my hardest and do my best as much as possible in every situation.
At the front gate, there were weeds all over what used to be a garden. The door suddenly swung on its creaky hinges. Pitch black. You couldn’t see a thing in the cabin. Every couple of minutes shingles would fall off the roof. I was scared. Terrified. Then I heard creaking floorboards.
It was late at night when I got home. The lights were on and there were two shadows.
I walk into the elevator going up to the 33rd floor and saw something coming, and hit the 32nd floor and smoke surrounded me. Then we notice it was a plane. Then I went downstairs and saw a working elevator.
My life was flashing before my eyes, I was realizing what was happening death was coming. Cold and stillness filled the room while the feeling of death started to overtake my body it was a different feeling but it had to come. My limbs felt heavy and I thought real slow everything was slowing down. Just then something odd happened like nothing I ever thought some sound came into the room an annoying buzzing creature.
So we were setting up and talking smack to one another, names being changed to something else although I deflected all of his I came up with the nickname of Mickey Mouse. Funny thing is that nickname stuck around through that day and not his real name Michael. So we are all prepared to do it and we are at the bottom of the tree. I noticed that there was a cinder block at the bottom of the tree and I said “Mickey better not fall on that.”. And that was a dumb thing to say as to I should have just moved it so there was no possible way it could happen. But I was just a fifth grader who did not think through things.