I am so upset at myself. I don’t know where my head was. Finally, here I was, with $80 to my name (which is meager compensation for a two-month cattle drive), and then I lose it all gambling. Just one night, and now I am bankrupt all over again. Yesterday was my 22nd birthday, as well as my payday, so I allowed myself a little gambling in Abilene, Kansas, a cow town. But I got so caught up in the action that I couldn’t stop, and pretty soon, I was broke.
I had been hoping to save enough money to start my own business, Bronco Jones and Company, but I suppose that will just have to wait for the next cattle drive. Hopefully, by then I will have better sense.
But enough talk about that. I shall write about the cattle drive, in case I ever look
Responsibility isn’t for everyone, and it definitely isn't for the lazy. I started the summer of 2016 out by catching at the Calf Scramble in Houston and have only grown to love my heifer. Calf Scramble has not only brought me closer to the animal, but to my family too.
Some people think of them as animals. Some people think of them as objects. Some people think of them as friends. Then there are the few who think of them as family. Horses have always been like family to humans, except sometimes closer. There are many benefits to owning or being around horses. They come in many different colors. There is a multitude of breeds, also. Additionally, they have a long history with humans. Horses have unique behaviors. Showing horses has been the past-time or even career of many people. Furthermore, caring for horses can be a handful, but is definitely rewarding. Finally, riding horses is not just a hobby or a sport, but an action of your heart. Horses are wondrous creatures that have lived with man or
The way she looks on a long dark night With all of her chicken lights and chrome She is mean and green with enough light That it’s seen a hundred miles from my home She can haul a very heavy forty head All while going one hundred mile per hour All the other cattle truckers dread When they see my truck with all its power It has a screaming cat that won’t hold back And let’s the black as darkness smoke roll
Mrs. Frank and his cattle driving crew had the best cow around them parts. Her name was bessie, bessie wasn't the brightest cow but she definitely made up for it by breeding and she had been sold for quite a lot of $ by her old cowhand crew and the old trail boss. Bessie was one of 400
Narrator: It was a cold, rainy night in the middle of the Chihuahuan Desert. There was a run-down, isolated shack roughly 200 miles away from the Mexico-U.S. border. This is where the coyotes live. Jasmina knew that she would have to collaborate with these men in order to have any fighting chance of surviving the dangerous journey into U.S soil.
Ever heard of the Appalachian trail, it’s 2,000 miles of wildness stretched of all you see.
Have you ever been in a situation where you didn’t think you could do it? Well I have many times and I’m going to write about a time during Rodeo when I didn’t think I was going to be able to do well in goat tying.
We greeted each other with kind respect. We met on the trail when his wagon broke. I offer to help Curtis Mick Colloni with his wagon. We exchange each other name and we left. I knew he was a skilled doctor and he he would I left the place and I ask Curtis if he would like travel together. As I was walking, I saw Hunter. I ran up to him and greeted him. I met Hunter Norm Cline during the trail when it block by a log. There was a lot of people and together, Hunter organized the group to pull the log. I ask if he would like to join me on the way to Oregon. He said he had 2 other family going on the trail and ask if I would join. He also mentioned that he was the leader of the group. I merge with the group and together we form a wagon
The conference meet was upon us. I was as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. The tension between the runners soared as we lined up at the starting line. I took a few deep breaths, anticipating the gun. I had a nerve racking deep inside. Bang! The gun went off and I took off stumbling over people, shoving, fighting for space. I was breathing hard already, pushing up the first hill. There was a straight away after the hill. I was afraid to get passed, so I kept my pace with the first pack. Michael, who had tripped over the back of my shoe before the first hill, had caught back up. As the first mile came around, I heard determined coaches exclaiming our mile splits.
Me against a twelve hundred pound cow, sounds crazy right? The fury in her eyes, nostrils flared, kicking and slamming her body against the side of the trailer. I had to do this though, fair was only six months away. It was going to be a tough journey but I, had to tame the beast. Success is a feeling of contentment, pride, and excitement. All of those feelings come to mind when I think of my experience breaking my first cow two years ago. The hard work and dedication put into it truly paid off in the end and taught me a lesson in perseverance.
Throughout the active school year, I take part in cross country, track and basketball. I also played volleyball for a year, but I decided to concentrate on my main passion, cross country, instead of dividing my time and attention into two sports at the same time. I have been running cross country ever since I was old enough to run in the munchkin races. The sport has been passed down through the family, almost every single one of my siblings have run or at least tried it. In track, I have ran the mile and two mile since the seventh grade. These last couple years I joined into the long distance relays. In 2016, the first year we decided to start a relay it consisted of my sister, Victoria, Tristen Ness, and Sammy Swanson. The first time we ran
Last year I started a new sport, cross country. I only did it because my lacrosse coach said that it might help me get better for lacrosse. So I went to the first late summer practice last year to see what this was like, so then we did warm-ups and a lap around the track. Then it was the first time I met coach Chase, My first impression of him was going to be very strict, But soon realized that this was false because of one of the first things he said. He said “I know there are a lot of nerves here right now, but cross country isn’t about winning every race, that comes later” then continued with “Cross country is about showing what you can do to yourself.” This struck me very hard because I was not that fast and was near the back. Through that fall the team did very well, I also made some progress myself. After the season was over I made a decision.
“The finding that young black men are twenty one times as likely as their white peers to be killed by police is drawn from reports filed for the years 2010 to 2012, the three most recent years for which FBU numbers are available (Deadly Force).” Looking at this report from ProPublica, lethal weapons have been used by police upon black men throughout the time, and the numbers have been increasing every upcoming years. Ferguson is one of the example about abusing police authority and power. There are stereotypes exists in our society that black men are more likely involve in crime, such as robbery, murder, rape and so forth; which leads to an conflict between different races or blacks and white. Ferguson, an unarmed black teenager Michael Brown has been killed by white police officer. Brown was a suspect in a robbery of local grocery store before the shooting. The police officer Darren Wilson was profoundly criticized for his action against the black male. After few months of investigation, a grand jury decided not to prosecute police officer for any unlawful charges in relation to the Mr. Brown’s death. After the jury decision, people were came out and protest against the police brutality and injustice in America. Especially, Ferguson has been seen as war zone because of huge military style policing as well as violent protester.
Throughout the Australia's history, the boomerang is one of most distinctive and representative symbol which is strongly associated with Aboriginal culture.According to the research, Australia is not the birthplace of the boomerang. In fact, the boomerang has existed in other parts of the world for thousands of years. (Kevin, 2015) It is speculated that the initial aim of developing boomerang is used by hunting animals. Although the older boomerang as a hunting weapon has been used throughout Africa and Europe, Australian Aboriginal boomerangs already have ten thousands years of history. (Kevin, 2015) With the development of boomerangs,
I was born in Guatemala City, Guatemala. For the next twelve years, Guatemala would become the only home I ever knew. When I was five years old however, everything changed. My father left Guatemala to come to the United States and plan for the rest of his family to also move to the States in the correct way. He would work three jobs for the next six years to get enough money and prove that he would be a good provider for his family and even himself. This meant that we would have to be apart for six years, one month, and ten days. Meanwhile back in Guatemala, my mother took the role of both parents. She worked not only as a full time English Coordinator at our school, but as a part-time student, and full time mom and dad as well. I had the pleasure of attending a highly educated private school while I lived in Guatemala. All students that attended said school, were required to take English classes. English has been part of my life since I can remember, and both of my parents made sure that all their daughters had a substantial knowledge of the English language before moving to the States.