
Personal Narrative-Best Player On A Soccer Team

Decent Essays

I’m naturally exceptionally athletic, and, as such, have always been one of the top players on my soccer team. I never felt challenged to be better, or try harder, because I was good enough without having to put in much effort. Then, I was put on JV soccer my freshman year. Though crushing at the time, it made me realize that I needed to push myself harder. Going into high school, I was nervous, but fairly confident that I would make varsity. That is, until I went to try outs and saw that my coach wasn’t paying attention to me. He put me on a field with the other freshmen and then turned his back to us so he could watch his returning players. When I saw my name on the JV list the next day, I wasn’t surprised, but it still hurt. Initially, I was angry with my coach for not giving me a fair chance, but later I became determined to make him notice me. …show more content…

I started to see improvement, and my coach must have noticed as well, because he invited me to come to the varsity tournament that weekend. I was excited for the opportunity to prove myself, but after sitting for the first two games, I worried that I wasn’t going to get my chance. When I saw that I wasn’t starting in the third and final game, I gave up nearly all hope that I would get to play. I was starting to wonder if all my hard work was even worth it, when, all of a sudden, my coach told me to get ready to go in. As I entered the game, I felt a little nervous, but I knew I was prepared. This was the opportunity I had been waiting

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