
Personal Narrative: Becoming As A Child

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People have challenges, they have an obligation to overcome constantly, whether it be; school, the daily grind, going out in public, or simply making it through their day. Here is what I have overcome as a child all the way from when I was probably around 5 until I was about 10, so about five years. During this time, CPS came around about three or four times. Due to this, one time I was at an elementary track meet and I was about to go to my favorite event, but, before I could go to my event, I got called into a room considering CPS was there to talk to me. The principal got in touch with my mother and she didn’t have any other choice except to pick me up. As we were leaving, the man followed us to our house for the reason that he wanted to inspect the house. When the man left, my sister and I got screamed at by …show more content…

He beat her out of her wits and all my 10 year old self could do was scream and cry. I was hiding in the closet and then went to hide under the bed. I was so terrified I didn’t know what to do. Although she was able to get some good hits in herself, my sister still ended up getting a black eye and busted lip. Obviously, when a person is that young and witnesses that right in front of them, it’s going to scar you. There is no getting away from it. My mother got home, packed, and we went to my grandmother’s house to stay for the summer. Ever since then my parents have not been together. My father went to rehab to receive help and I imagine it helped a little bit. To this day, whenever I start getting super stressed, I see flashbacks of that event. I can still picture it perfectly. I presume I might have PTSD. Since my sixth grade year I’ve had depression, obviously not diagnosed by a doctor, but I believe that I do. Because I had to move and make new friends it was substantially difficult, along with everything had just happened not that long ago, so I am sure you can understand

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