
Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

“Thanks for the breakfast, dad! See you tonight!” he called as he ran out the door, locking it behind him. It wasn’t until he was almost past the bus stop that he realized that he had left his backpack by his laptop in his room. By the time he had managed to run back to the house and run back out, he could see the bus almost at the stop. His pits were already sweating enough after that bit of exercise and he didn’t feel like seeing how much sweatier they’d get if he walked to school, so it was social humiliation after all for him this morning. As he glanced at the other people at the bus stop, he noticed how much taller and visibly older than them he looked. He could feel his face getting redder again, to his horror. As the bus arrived and opened its doors, he used his long limbs to almost manhandle the freshmen out-of-the-way. At the sight of the first empty seat, he sat down with an already exhausted sigh. He put his backpack at the window seat in case anyone tried to sit with him. As an extra precaution, he slipped his earbuds in and played Michael’s half of their monthly playlist as loud as he could stand. …show more content…

Just as his leg was starting to calm down, the bus creaked to a halt and opened its doors in front of the school. Jeremy let most of the other kids off before he even thought about moving from his spot. He looked at the school from his seat and let out a deep sigh. This was gonna be a long

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