
Personal Narrative Analysis

Decent Essays

When I was in middle school I decided that I wanted an Ipod for listening to music in school. When I got home I asked my mom if she could go on the computer to see what the prices for an Ipod were. She looked it up on the apple store and told me they were anywhere from $200 to $400 depending on which one you got. So for the next year I saved up enough money to get it. To this day I still have that Ipod and it does not have one scratch unlike most people who have had theres given to them. I believe that we should not beg for things; if we want something get it yourself.
The house I grew up in was rather different compared to most people. For the most part we had two rules; “I want,” “means no”, and “if you want something work for it”. These rules affected both the way I thought of things and the way that I acted. The most noticeable for people was the way I act in school. For the most part, I took things a lot more seriously than most of the other kids in my grade. Additionally, my method of transportation is different compared to other people. Everyone sees getting their driver's licences as a commemorative point of their lives. Additionally, most people when they get their …show more content…

My mom grew up on a farm and did chores when she got home. Also, she did the dishes and had to feed some of the animals. Additionally, if my mom wanted something she had to get it herself. Ironically, I’m growing up just the way she did because we live in the same house she grew up in. I have to work the same way she did. While my mom grew up on a farm, my dad grew up in the city. He grew up in somewhat the same way my mom did excluding the farm. One of the most noticeable differences is the way my dad went to college because he payed for it by himself. All in all, my parents are like black and white compared to each other, but one thing that is in common is that they had to work for what they

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