
Personal Narrative Analysis

Decent Essays

Have you ever had a bad day and you just think “Where did I go wrong?” Or maybe something bad has happened in your life and you thought to yourself “What did I do to deserve this?” What if that was your life for two years straight? What if one bad thing happened right after another and every day was the worst day of your life? Would you like to know? Because I can tell you.

I climbed onto the school bus and was bouncing on my heels as I made my way to a seat. It was my first day of high school and to say I was excited would be an understatement. I could feel myself grinning from ear to ear as the bus drove on and more and more people climbed on. the smiled started to fade as the seats filled up except mine. No one sat down in the empty seat …show more content…

I’d wake up ready for a good day and few people would make an effort to talk to me, I felt alone and I didn’t know how to fix it. Then there was that guy…. Every morning he sat across the cafeteria and stared at me with those dark piercing eyes. It should have creeped me out, but I don’t know why it interested me so much, maybe because he was the only person who seemed to give me any attention at all. The third week of school I decided enough was enough, I was going to go talk to this guy. I wanted to know what about me made me worth staring at. When I got to school that morning I went straight to where he stands leaning against the wall, but he wasn’t there. I stopped and looked around and felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see him looking down at me, he wasn’t smiling, he didn’t seem to have any emotion on his face whatsoever. I was caught off guard by him standing so close to me. “um, hi.” I murmured. His lip twitched into a smirk. “Hi.” He responded and continued to stare at me with a lack of emotion. “I’m…. I”m Rose.” I managed to stutter out, I don’t know what about this boy made me so nervous. He seemed to mule over my name when I gave it to him. “Rose? Cute.” I could feel my cheeks grow warm at his compliment. “Oh thanks. I don’t like it much, I don’t think it matches my personality very much, plus people tell me that it’s a boys name although it’s clearly a unise name.” I rambled. He cocked his head to the side. “I think it’s a lovely name, I’m Daniel.” The bell started to ring and i adjusted my bag on my shoulder. “Well i guess i need to get to class now.” I said. I turned to start to my class and he grabbed my hand. “Skip with me.” he said as though it wasn’t a big deal. I had never skipped a class before, I had never intentionally done anything bad at school before. I stared at him for a moment and then pulled my hand away. “I…. I really can’t. I have a test today. I have to go.” I ran off to

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