
Personal Narrative Analysis

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Before the age of three I had an array of tests performed on me that most people do not have in a lifetime, including ultrasounds, MRIs, CAT scans, and endoscopies. However, none of the tests told the doctors what was wrong. They could not figure out what was causing me, starting at only one years old, to throw up starting at 3 A.M. and ending at 12 P.M., at least two nights a week. This went on for years. My parents and I became accustomed to these recurring “episodes” because medications only worked for so long, eventually my body would become used to them and the doctors would have to figure out what to prescribe me next. By the age of ten, I had outgrown my mysterious illness, but, I am still working to outgrow all of the struggles it …show more content…

It robbed me of so much. I am still afraid to eat, afraid to try new foods because of the fear of getting sick. I am 16 years old and still order chicken fingers off of the kid’s menu when I go out to eat. It took away Christmases from me. There were years that I was so sick I could not spend my favorite holiday with my family. I am grateful that I was able to go to school, have friends, and participate in activities, but this could only happen during the day. To me, the day was safety, but the night was unknown. There was never a schedule I could check to see if tonight was a night when I would get sick. Even after the doctors told me I had outgrown it, I could not help but think that one day the force that took over my life for 9 years, would return. That fear caused me to never want to be out of my parent’s care late at night and to not sleepover a friends house until I was 14 years old. The night of my first sleepover was nerve racking. I was doubtful that I would actually stay over. Then, I began to think that if I wanted to be happy and be just like all of my friends, I could not keep living in my sheltered life. From my internal pep-talk I decided to persevere and spend the night. When I woke up the morning after my first sleepover and realized I made it through the night, everything changed. It was the beginning of the life I had always wanted to

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