
Personal Narrative: Age 11 To Fifteen

Decent Essays

Age Eleven to Fifteen
When I was eleven I did not do much, I went to school. I switched from Beverly elementary to Seaview elementary. I did some of my work, never studied, and got a 4/A on everything. I continued to do the things I did before like rock climb, outside school self-education, games, etc. I went to a lot of field trips. I don't know why but I think we went on to many, it was around 6 field trips.
Over the summer I became twelve and it was a vary uneventful year. The school made us go back and forth to simulate middle school. I made a 10 page paper on greek mythology. The paper was on anything, so it was easy to finish the paper. I wanted to see if I could compromise and summarize the information down to 3 pages. That would have …show more content…

I started algebra 1 and I didn’t do any homework. I only got B’s and C’s on tests so my grade with the 20% homework was around a D+ average. All my other classes were fine and I passed all of my classes. My teacher for algebra wanted me to retake algebra again because the class would be on my high school grades, so I took the class again.
I did the exact same thing in algebra accept I got almost all A’s on my tests so I had a C average. I decided that that was good enough, and it was time to move on. All the classes I took were fine by the grade I got, other than algebra. I started to do more things, and I earned enough money to buy a laptop. That same year the laptop was accidently stepped on by a friend. R.I.P. laptop 2013.
After my laptop was killed I got another laptop and I still have that one today. I started high school and it was the first and only year I have failed a class. I wasn't able to keep up with the memorization in history so I failed 6 100% or 0% tests. I also failed the first semester of English, this was just because I was slow at everything I did, and I still am. I also could not do the geometry proofs, they thought it was because honors geometry was too quick. I would have done just as bad if I did the proofs in regular geometry, but they still moved me to regular

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