
Personal Narrative About Preschool

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The first time meeting you. Going to preschool when you're still young, you never think of anything but maybe the people around you or maybe when nap time is. Mom always dropped me and my little brother off before she went to work and gave us food and other things we might have cried for before leaving the house. My brother and I always had to have our stuffed animals with us. We’d take them everywhere, the park, outside, the store, and even to our preschools. Today was different though it was my birthday and I didn't just get dropped off at the preschool. Mom dropped me off with the girl that usually ran or took care of the kids at the preschool. They talked for awhile as they both laughed and then the girl finally looked down at me and …show more content…

The parents started passing out the cupcakes, I didn't get one so I started crying. It’s my Birthday, why didn't I get one first? Then the girl sat me in a high chair and behind her was my mom holding what looked like a hamburger. I stopped crying and looked at her. The salt from my tears were strong and I could still taste it in my mouth, but maybe it was because my hand was in my mouth as well. As my mom walked closer I took my hand out of my mouth and reached my hands up so she could hold me. Instead she set the hamburger in front of me and kissed my cheeks. The hamburger wasn't a hamburger, it was a cake that looked liked one. Candles were stuck on top and had flames on them. Everyone started singing Happy Birthday and then made me blow out the candles. Mom took the candles out and told me to dig in. I stuck my hand in and felt how thick the frosting was before my fingers hit the cake. As I was diggin in Mom was taking pictures and laughing. It was the best cake ever! I couldn't eat it all because I would have gotten sick. So mom took it away after awhile. Mom picked me up as the took the cake and washed me off. All the kids went back to play with their toys and the bouncy balls. In my mom's left arm we walked outside where I saw my brother and my dad. Mom let me down so I could run to them. When I was running something came from behind my dads

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