
Personal Narrative About A Trip To Mexico's Yucatan

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After a long day of socializing with friends and learning, I came home to a surprise. The first thing my mom did after I came home from school was call me into her office. “How was your day?” My routine answers were, “You know, it was fine,” and then I’d recap a few things I had done in school that day. My mom then proceeded to inform me of her idea of us going on a cruise. I had seen a commercial that showed a humongous ship with its guest on board having a great time enjoying entertainment and the fine dining. My response on going on a cruise was, “Sure.” My brothers and father all agreed upon going and, based on our schedules, later in June worked. The excitement started to build. What I expected to only be a vacation turned out to be a humbling experience. It was a Saturday morning, three weeks after the decision was made to go on a cruise to the Caribbean. School had been out for a week already. One by one my family members loaded suit …show more content…

The island had been one of the most upscale places on our voyage. There wasn’t anyone who I had seen that was begging for money. My family and I enjoyed the day by the beach as we cared for relaxation. The final island to conclude the seven day voyage was off of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Cozumel, Mexico had a booming marketplace steps from the boat. It was fascinating the magnitude of the ship being capable to dock near land. As I browsed the array of shot glasses I was welcomed by a local woman. Her English was understandable but needed some tuning. Time sort of froze when I peered into her eyes. I was a complete stranger to her as she was a stranger to me. She didn’t have much to say but led me to the checkout where I purchased a few souvenirs to add to my small shot glass collection. Not wanting to be stranded on the island we went back on the ship early. In two days’ time we would be back in the car, pointed towards our home in

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