
Personal Narrative: A Powerful Ted Talk By Abraham Verghese

Satisfactory Essays

It is rather difficult to come across a good family doctor, who would actually take the time to listen to your problems and do a simple check up. A powerful ted talk by Abraham Verghese is still clearly running through my head. The way he describes his full attendance to the patients and how he takes the time to listen to their problems. For some people we are not so very lucky to have a doctor like Abraham Verghese, like one of those people I truly hated my family doctor. If you can imagine a nine year old child that has just arrived in a new country and not knowing the language that well has already developed a hatred toward doctors. During the consultation, he would not let us talk and just made us listen about his kids and how smart there are and showed us their pictures. I understand you can be proud of your kids, but at least listen to us first then brag about your kids. …show more content…

What is “those kind of countries”, that statement still has me choked to this day. I am from Russia an upper class family and I have a father who is not related in any sort of way to my mom’s family. All he did was shove his words into our mouths and would never let us talk. We might have come to him with a stomach pain and left the office with the headache pain. It is stated in the Bill 210 Patients first, he has never put his patients first and this makes you think if he even deserves to be a doctor. Thankfully, over the four years of torture with him, we have found a great family doctor who actually sits down and listens to our complaints of where it hurts and actually takes does a proper check up. I strongly believe that this is a great concern that need to be dealt with, because many people are problem in the same situation like I were and think how the hell have the got their license. Doctors should be taught how to interact with the patient and learn to listen to them and especially not to start making up

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