
Personal Narrative: A Life Changing

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Life Changing
My childhood home was a gorgeous two story Victorian in the small rural town of LeRoy, Illinois. The 100 year old house had an empty basement cellar and an attic that over time had become home to a family of squirrels each winter. In its early days, the building was split up into two separate apartments. When the back half of the house caught fire in the 1970’s, the building was renovated and made into one home. The yard was vast and cavernous, surrounded by trees that swayed in the wind like a dancer gliding across a stage. A number of these trees were excellent for climbing as a kid. Two sets of french doors led to the family room from the deck where light seeped into the house and through the windows. In the dining room stood …show more content…

How could the one person I looked up to most in this world possibly follow up such an announcement with, “It will be okay,”? I suddenly began to question everything. My mind was racing, asking myself one thing before I could stop to think about the last. Was my parents’ 20 years of marriage a lie? Did they ever love each other? Did I do something wrong? How could what seemed to be a perfect marriage, really be so broken? Overwhelmed, I ran out of the house, not bothering to put on shoes. I could not seem to breathe and the only release was to be anywhere but there. I was so overcome with emotion that I could not think straight. Where am I going? What am I doing? What is happening? My vision was blurred by my own …show more content…

What’s wrong? Honey, you gotta calm down. I can't understand you.” Brooke was blessed with extreme patience and the natural ability to soothe anyone in distress. Although I was still shaking and sniffling, she was able to calm me down enough to explain what was going on. Eventually Brooke arranged to drive out to LeRoy, pick me up, and take me to my friend Sydney’s house to clear my mind. As I pressed end on the call, my dad walked outside. Without words, he hugged me tight. I could feel the wetness of his tears seep down onto my shoulder. “I did everything I could, Natalie. I didn’t want this,” he

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