It was a gloomy, cold, and rainy day in the city of Maple Ridge. This was the average weather for the people who lived in this city. Every day everyone would get up at 8:00 AM and go to their assigned jobs which consisted of all types of jobs necessary for the city to prosper. The children would go to their assigned educators and everyone would stop their activities at 6:00 PM sharp to go home to their assigned families. When dinner was over, everyone in the city would be required to go to sleep at 8:00 PM This was an average schedule for the citizens and this routine was only broken for very rare important occasions, such as the upcoming event where all the 13 year old children would soon get jobs of their own. The day had come. All of the
When a typical person considers taking a vacation, they do not immediately consider Windsor, but the city has plenty to offer such as the WFCU Centre, Canadian Historical Aircraft Museum, and Ojibway Nature Centre. The WFCU Centre hosts fantastic entertainment acts and it also feature sports, music, and comedy performances; some acts that have performed at the centre include: Jerry Seinfeld, Neil Young, and the Windsor Spitfires. Not only does the city provide wonderful entertainment, Windsor is home to the Canadian Historical Aircraft Museum. One of the projects the members of the museum are working on is the restoration of two airplanes: a vintage Lancaster Bomber and Mosquito. Furthermore, pilots fly other antique aircraft and there is
It was a polluted, blazing hot morning and I felt like I had just been working out for the whole night. As I got ready to go to school, putting on my pollution mask, and taking my bike out, I was concerned not about the teachers and getting lost, but about fitting in. This wasn’t perfect Canada anymore, this was chaos filled, contaminated, messed up China! Everyone was so different from the people in Canada, they spoke quite rudely, they wore shaggy cloth, and their shelter was very traditional compared to the ‘modern style houses’ in Canada. You could say that my school was a giant playground with a playground mansion and an additional indoor playground. As I entered the humid environment of the Mansion, strange figures zoomed around
My dad, me ,my older brother Luke, and my two sisters Michaela and Anna were on our way up to cedar Michigan. It was going to be very cold up north so we had two dress warm. It took about six hors to get there we arrived at about 1:00 we arrived on 7899 S Schomberg Rd Cedar MI 49621 our great friends lived there there names where Marv & Jill Anderson they owned a lot of land up there they own two houses and five barns they also have donkeys, goats, sheep, ducks, and cats. I love it up there.we went sliding, and found a very big hill and had about three hours be fore we had to go church. we stated to get ready fore church about 15 minutes be fore we had to leave. when church ended we went to watch a movie when that
“Dad, I can’t talk, I'm heading out right now,” I said while hugging the phone with my shoulder up to my ear. He told me to be cautious on the roads, considering the blizzard we had just had a few days ago. It was an unusually calm day in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. A perfect day to travel, the snow on the ground glistened as it had just been freshened with a new coat from the light snowfall early this morning. The sun was barely noticeable from the distance as the tip of it lit up the outline of city. It gave the trees a soft glow making it look like there were thousands of microscopic diamonds floating off the branches of the bare trees through the breeze, carrying them across the neighborhood and greeting themselves at the window
I witnessed my cousins boyfriend corpse lying on my neighbors lawn. It was a humid summer night around 3:30 when I peeked through my window and saw my devastated cousin sobbing uncontrollably on my decaying porch. Being from East chicago, Indiana has transformed me into the person I am today.
The summers of 2013, I went to Cedar Point. It was me, my brother, my mom, dad, and my dad’s friend. My dad said, “we are going to get on all of us the roller coasters” and the rest of us said “ok.”
The city of Chicago has been displayed as a dangerous city in which all residents are affiliated with drugs, gangs, and misconduct of firearms. Whether someone fits into this stereotype or not, is normally based on their surroundings and their interactions with others. Growing up in Gage Park, named one of the worst neighborhoods, falling into this stereotype and becoming affiliated with drugs, guns, and gangs, would not be too hard for someone to do. However, I have lived in Gage Park my whole life and have not fallen into the status quo. I have had family members and friends fall into this realm of unpleasantness and watching them become another wrong kind of statistic is upsetting. I have been faced with the decision of continuing to have
I spent my childhood in a small, suburban neighborhood just outside of the shadow of Minneapolis, Minnesota. My street is located in a city called Edina: a city that prides itself on “green spaces” and the protection of its environment. Whenever there are too many fires, or a bike path were to be constructed, activist groups gather and protest the damages to both the environment and the city’s image. By the time I was ten, Edina had passed ordinances restricting private citizens’ abilities to cut down living trees older than 10 years (or trees more than 12 inches in diameter one foot from the ground). The city also spent two decades cultivating a pride in our shared landscapes: lakes, forests, wetlands, and prairies. To expose students and
As a child, I was fixated on the idea of growing up and how I would contribute to the world in my own peculiar way, but I never contemplated how my Rockford, Michigan Community would impact my personal view of life. The experiences I have had as a result of being part of this Community have not only impacted my personal view of life, but they have also made me come to the conclusion that a Community should exemplify values of leadership and commitment.
One day in Canada, I was just little pieces of polymer. And one of my friends were specks of sand. It was a very busy day. People kept walking and stepping on me and my friend. People never saw us on the ground as we were only just raw materials.
Huck estimated that we should arrive in Cario in only three nights. We were perfectly placed to go straight to the Ohio River. We would soon be out of harms way and my family could be joined again as free men. Huck suggested that we sell our raft and get on a steamboat to get to Ohio. I agreed with him since I didn’t want to go alone. The second day floating down this river, a thick, dark fog hovered over the river like a ghost.
October 17, 1996 the lives of the people on Maple Street were changed forever. The day seemed completely normal, a cool 50 degrees, the leaves just beginning to fall. The Conner's hadn't been seen in over a week, but that wasn't unusual. In the middle of the day,Mr.
Few days after my 8th birthday, my family and I left our home in India and began a new life in Canada. It was not long before, I became aware of how different I was from the other children at school. Not just aesthetically but even our thoughts were different. Steadily, I became isolated and lowered my self-esteemed. At recess one day, the clear skies suddenly changed in the dark clouds with chilling wind. I was shivering in the cold, when one of girls from my class wrapped me inside of her jacket. She was smiling and at me and hugged me and said, “warm”. Soon other kids hugged us and we formed a small huddle. Although they did not know me, they understood the gestures of hugging to provide warmth. Jessica, the girl with the jacket, and
Suitcase, so much clothes, clutter, packed van load, yelling, 18 hour ride….I have been to Colorado almost 3 times in a row! I’m going again next year that's why I said almost. My family loves Colorado and Wyoming we have been over there for 3 years straight! This year we broke the record and went to Michigan. I have gone to Michigan 3 times this year.
I personally live within the Church and Wesley district boundaries and I am biased when I say that it is one of my favorite areas within Toronto. I always feel safe while walking home no matter how late. And the atmosphere there is a constant stream of events happening each day of the week always surprises me. My field research for this essay included me analyzing the neighborhood directly. I spent a full 24 hours at the main intersection of Church and Wellesley: My results found that 12:00 am to 5:00 am was the most inactive. As the morning light came in fewer people emerged onto the streets this included buses transporting groceries and the garbage men. Peak time to be in the neighborhood was 8-10:00am and 6-9:00pm. I found that during these