
Personal Narrative: A Day At Hurricane Sandy

Decent Essays

There’s nothing more beautiful than seeing people gather together to celebrate a common goal. Community service to me is something that every citizen that is capable and willing to give back, should do it as a sign of gratitude to those who have fallen and are still fighting for the freedom of this beautiful nation. My community service record started when I join A.F.J.R.O.T.C (Air force junior reserve officer training corps) at Aviation High school. The experience gather at this program was invaluable. One of the most memorable moments that I remember while being a cadet at this prestigious program was when Hurricane Sandy happened. As we all remember, Hurricane Sandy was one of the worst catastrophes that has happen to the east coast. Far Rockaway was one of the most hit areas hurricane sandy affected. …show more content…

Integrity, service before-self and excellence in all we do. All those words were put to a test when around 50 cadets from my unit where send to Far Rockaway only 6 days after the hurricane had cause it’s damage. When we arrived at Far Rockaway, the scene was jaw dropping to say the least. Cars, boats, roofs, buses were the view that you could see for miles. Our mission at Far Rockaway, was to help FEMA give out food to those less fortune and to also help a church that was totally demolished by the strong winds of the hurricane. The most important lesson I learned from this experience was that what we take for granted one day, might be the most necessary the other and that when we come together as a community when a incident that affects everyone happens that truly reflects the second core value of service before self, in the sense that everyone is relying on someone else to make there day better and

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