
Personal Narrative: A Change In Highschool

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I was always told that things would change in highschool. You would meet new people, find new friends, and even discover a new class that amazes you. No one prepared me for what was going to happen Sophomore year though; no one saw it coming. It was New Year's Eve, and the guy I liked asked me to join him at his house for a little get together. But yet, I had no chance to leave and be with him because I was at my mom's house and she and I had a big argument earlier. I didn't get to see him that night or the next. I went to school the next Monday, and I was sitting in my third period class when I received a text from him. Thinking nothing of it, I read it and didn't reply. I wish I would have replied. Later that day, I was on my way to my dance. My friend texted me that someone from her school had killed himself. I felt sorry for her, but again, I thought nothing of it. It wasn't until after dance, my two best friends called me bawling. They didn't have to say anything before I was bawling my eyes out just the same. I told my dad to drive me home immediately because the guy I loved had just shot himself in the head. …show more content…

A week after the occurance I attended the first funeral I had ever been to. I couldn't help but think how unfair it was to his parents; they shouldn't have had to bury their own child. Afterwards, I started seeing a counselor. She recommended a local support group with other kids who were going through the same thing. Getting to listen to their stories and what they had to say helped me grasp what was happening. I wasn't in denial anymore, I was accepting the fact of death. I believe that my ability to listen and empathize with others helped me get through the horrible place I was in. I definitely was in a depressed state of

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