
Personal Narrative: A Career As A Database Leader

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How have you demonstrated leadership?
I believe leadership is taking a front line in delivering the best out of people around you. Not only doing the task but putting yourself in front in accomplish the task. Early this year we had a project of changing the core system for our entire organization. The progress was fine but the project came to roadblock when some of the financial reports were missing. The reports were crucial tool for monitoring the financial performance of the organization. Personnel assigned to deliver the reports were did not complete the task and were not in the position to accomplish them. I was given the task to deliver the reports within three weeks so that when the new system goes online the reports will be ready. After going through the requirements i realized some reports represented similar data, just minor differences existed, so i decided to group …show more content…

It kept me wondered what it takes to really to become a technology expert. Through the years that same passion lead me into becoming a Software Engineer. I thought the feeling will change but it keeps on growing, now that i have understood the power of technology in creating a better world the passion for technology grows stronger every day. I love technology and am so passionate about it, the reason it simple, it really makes the impossible seems very possible plus cutting hour and hours of manual work with few codes and some simple coded processes. In my current workplace as Senior Database Developer i receive requests from many internal customer of automating lots of processes that requires a lot of manual hard work. A simple example is strategy reports for Innovation Unit, they have to sort different types of data, to come up with the reports they need. I designed an Access utility that cuts almost 4 Hours of manual work into a click of a second. From simple source files, the Innovation unit can have all the reports they

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