
Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

I headed out first,swimming my way back onto land,I screamed as I felt myself get scooped out of the sea by some men and women,scared that the man in the blue car had returned. But these men and women were dressed in hazmat suits but without their helmets on. They looked over me as if they were scientists,asking me and each other several questions. I couldn't muster out any words, I was terrified, I wanted Craig to help me but I was terrified of what they would do to him. This part of the dream is very spacey and is chopped up. I hardly remember most of it. From what I can remember after they’ve finished me out of the water. They place me in this building, this building filled with children. They all looked genetically modified or something, …show more content…

Our sergeant yelled at the two of us, awakening me from my trance. “Get out of there!” He screamed, Craig quickly pulled me up to my feet and we began to run in the direction of our fellow comrades who were involved with the test as well. They were separated into two separate groups, telling another piece of technology as well. A technological forcefield shield of some sort. It looked like it had came from a video game. One group was stationed 25 feet from the mutated flash grenade and the second team was stationed 30 feet. Both groups did not have enough room to let us hide with them, even if we seperated. They wanted to test how the difference in distance the machine would affect you. Craig and I continued to sprint another decent 10-15 feet from the second groups position before being knocked off our feet. The machine detonated with such a force,sending a wave of force and light that you can actually see. After it was over, I let out a few coughs,shaking my head as I quickly recover. I look over to see if Craig was alright, who was still laying down on the ground in front of me. I panic and quickly hurry over to his side,shaking him …show more content…

I noticed that in the city was next to the test grounds, people became curiously over the commotion. It was already getting late and we didn’t want anyone to get hurt so we decided to head out and try to calm everyone down. As we spoke to the group of people, something caught my eye in the street ahead of us. It was the baby blue mustang. My heart dropped and I began to shake violently out of fear. I immediately tugged on Craig’s sleeve. “Craig...C-Craig it’s him.” It could have been someone else who happened to drive the same car but it stopped in the middle of the intersection. I could feel the driver’s eyes on me. I was overwhelmed with fear and grieve. I could hear Craig growl under his breath and become protective. He stormed through the crowd of people and down the street. The blue mustang then turned down the street but in the opposite direction, away from Craig. I came back to my senses and chased over Craig,calling out for him. At this point of the dream the details become fuzzy. I believe he either entered our car or got on a motorcycle but he stormed after the mustang despite the fact that you could no longer see it as it already turned on the next street light. I panted and slowed down to a stop since I obviously can't keep up with with a car/motorcycle. I stared of as Craig drove off,making it to the street where we first saw the car. Where it returned. What I saw, I didn’t know how to

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