
Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

I had scene him around at church, knew his face and his name but not him. I saw him playing guitar after school and thought he was cool, that's all I knew. Then I met him. He and my Friend had just broke up, I didnt even know they were dating. D and I had just walked down to the youth center for second service, she was talking to me about there break up and interdiced me. He hugged her and gave me his dorky high five -knuckles and I was over washed with emotions. Butterflies. Lust. Excitement. Confusion. Denial. And over all guilt. I couldn't like him! He is my friends ex! Doesn't that break girl code or something? I came to the conclusion I would tell anybody about my feelings towards him, like I usually did. …show more content…

We saw each other everywhere, mainly at break. He would hug me and flirt. I was see him between classes and he would even come up to me just to hug me! By this time I realized I actually liked him and I couldn't Denied it anymore. One fateful Friday afternoon we said hi to each other over by the court yard like we would during school, but this time he asked If I wanted to hang out with him and of course I said yes! It was awkward at first, he had to finish stuff in a class room, this making me fell uninvited and said I might go home but he instead I stay. During the next few minutes in the classroom he found a banana costume he had been looking for to wear to the farmers market, little did I know how this would be used later. After we left the classroom we walked down the senior hall and further, deciding we should spend our time before the game just walking around the school. We came to a stop in a semi familiar place, it was by the auto shop and was a quiet circle of cement benched potters with trees and flowers in them. I had been here with friends exploring in the summer and several years back with my sister, always loving it but never going back now that it's my …show more content…

He asked me other personal questions and I answer, never had a instantly trusted someone like I did then. I remember being he first to sit down and him standing and talking but I don't remember when he sat down. I do however remember that i couldn't believe what was happening! I,Jane doe, was sitting by the guy I liked! And alone! Oh boy oh boy! What a great day! We continued to talk, it was the day of homecoming elections so we both had flowers one to state we had been nominated. We both lose but it was fun while it lasted. Anyways, we sat and talked, he was wearing his school spirt shirt and I was wearing my dress that has the Jean top. He had "war paint" on his face that was blue and gold (school colors). He told me how he stopped running because he has a heart condition, a few minutes later he did the worse thing. He faked passed out on me! When he finally realized how panicked I was he let me know he was joking. But now he had his head on my lap! Wow, how great he is at making a move! Lol. This was great! I of course didn't know what to do so I played with his hair a little bit. Later on he tried to have me bite his finger moving it around. He would get closer to his lips and circle them, joking about how close I would get. I of course I knew what he was trying to do, I remember him saying " we need to fix that soon" when I told him about the last time if been kissed.

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