As the daughter of Muslim immigrants, I grew up watching my parents work unpleasant jobs and long hours. Although my parents were not able to finish school and receive a high quality education, they continuously work hard to ensure that my siblings and I are being educated at the best schools. My mother always emphasizes the importance of education and taking advantage of the opportunities that arise with becoming educated. Since the very beginning, my parents have instilled in me, the love of learning and valuing the essence of education.
Throughout elementary and middle school, I was the star child, earning the honor roll each report card and receiving the highest reading points by reading challenging chapter books. When time came for high school, I was underprepared and shortsighted by what was expected of me. I decided to take on multiple honors/Pre AP courses but due to the lack of information my parents and I had, we thought I would succeed just as I had done in the past. Unfortunately, I encountered many struggles and setbacks in my first year and I was not performing up to par. I stayed up late nights, working hard just to pass my classes but to my dismay, I failed the first semester of Pre AP Biology. Without the proper information on how to develop study skills and guidance as to what challenges come with taking multiple honors/Pre AP courses, I was lost. Regardless of how long I studied, I still did not perform as well as I hoped. After two years of attending that
The average American spends 3 hours and 32 minutes a day working and an average of 8 hours 50 minutes a day sleeping. Which means less people are in the workforce, but among those who have a job, they spend more time working than worrying about the things that are important to them. In addition, people are wasting their time by doing things that do not benefit them. For example, sitting around and watching tv, playing on your phone for hours, or just doing nothing and sleeping when it is not necessary, including me. Importance has a different meaning to everyone, but for me importance is getting a good education in school to graduate college and make a living, hanging out with my friends and being there for them, and most importantly my family. I am a highschool student and I do spend half or maybe even a little bit more of my time focusing on the things that are not important when I should be.
1. Education has various implications. Given the fact that it provides a communication channel through which information is accumulated and knowledge is shared among members of a smaller or larger community, education is benefic for some and destructive for others. For instance, students and the young educated generation have started some of the most important revolutions in the history of human kind. One example in this sense is the Tiananmen Square Student Rebellion or the Arab Spring. In such cases, education has enabled the young generation to look beyond everyday realities and opened their eyes to new political and social perspectives. Education can be destructive especially if education is used as a means of propaganda. One example in this sense is the way in which the communist forces used education in schools and universities to determine a transformation of the ruling power into an idolatry figure or adapt history reports and perspectives to such an extent that it would serve the Party's objectives and own accounts of history and realities.
Education is a very important tool that most people strive to obtain because it is knowledge and information that the world provides us to change for better. I believe education has a big effect in children, teenagers, and adults in the United States because it an environment of a modern lifestyle where we are pushing our kids to be the best intelligent mindsets that the future holds. The author Carl Singleton wrote “What our education system needs is more F’s” and he states his opinion in how the grading system should work according to his point of view. I have read different articles that the topic is similar to Carl Singleton’s article but I disagree with this one because of his statements.
In terms of an education, the words claiming and receiving have two entirely different meanings. Although both active verbs, the act of receiving in a classroom setting entails little to no action at all. Claiming an education requires an individual to actively seek new knowledge and take it as the rightful owner. Students must engage in a higher-order thinking that “bases itself on creativity and stimulates true reflection and action upon reality” through tasks such as synthesis, analysis, evaluation, and problem solving (Freire 329). Receiving an education, on the contrary, simply relies on memorization or the direct transfer of a common definition into the brain rather than an intuitive understanding— a “banking education,” as Paulo Freire would describe it. With the intent to further explore ideas about “community,” I abandoned the "natural, basic self-centeredness" within me as well as my default setting, and went to an art exhibit.
The learning at school these days is not enough for the children because the education system fall around the concept of academics and that alone is not what the kids need. The monotonous teaching method used by the teachers at school does not motivate the children to concentrate in class. It is therefore very important for them to learn rather than just studying for the exams only. It is essential for these kids to master the concept and apply it throughout their lives. The students undergo a boring lecture and after that, they wonder about its relevance to the real world life. The teachers, therefore, are just there to make students go through chapter by chapter with the main aim of only making sure the students just pass the examinations. If the students are thought the values and the importance of the education then they would do much better in terms of performance and they will be in a position to apply the concept in the real-life situation and be able to come up with the solutions to problem-solving. The main aim of this essay is to discuss why the education is not enough.
Education is a powerful thing. There’s thousands of articles about education, how it’s being teached and how it should be changed. A problem with education is that students don’t know how to have self-generated thoughts. “Being a Self-Regulated Learner” explains how students in this era lack the key principles of academic success such as goal setting, self motivation, time management, learning strategies and self attributions. A problems that most students have is the fact that they have unlimited access to electronics such as cell phones, television, computers, etc. Having the interment at the palm of their hands in school has made students able to look up all of the answers, not putting in any actual work. They don’t develop study habits because we have apps such as The Spanish Dictionary and Quizlet. Although these apps help. Students are practicing memorization skills which later, results in failing tests and quizzes. Zimmerman talks about self-regulation and how it helps students achieve success. Time-management and self-regulation are two key concepts in learning. As a student, time management is important because most people have to balance between a job, school and extracurricular activities. A student would have to plan out which day/hours they would be able to get their work done. Self-regulation and structure is important because schools give individuals so much work that they need to get done by a certain deadline and it could become stressful. This is where
Education is an investment. This is the reason we see many people acquire education and become successful. Life is not bed of roses, and some people are unable to get their desired education. This may be due to various reasons such as not having enough money, or taking care of their families and loved ones. However, there are some people who fights with life to achieve their goals and return to college to fulfil it. According the article, “Colleges Embrace Older Students, Part-timers”, Sandra Block discusses that commute daily to college and family dependencies are also major obstacle for non-traditional students beside paying for tuition. Those who lives in remote areas it becomes very difficult to travel college daily. Moreover, people who are married they need to spend time with their spouse and children. Block suggests some solutions to overcome these problems, which includes creating more online interactive courses, opening satellite locations, evening classes and offering scholarships can aid the part-timers to fulfil their dreams. Even though there are several ways to counter the problems of non-traditional students but I suggest creating more online interactive courses will aid them to achieve their dreams.
Now that we have outlined what Plato’s Pedagogy contains, I shall now proceed to ask myself if my education meets Socrates’s standards. The following information will cover any intentional or random education I received, the discrimination against specific materials in my life, and the role of fear and pain in my learning. Each section will loosely follow the age groups of which Socrates explained in his pedagogy. The age groups will include, 0-5 years, 5-10 years, 10-15 years, and 15 years of age to the present. The following information will also consider what Plato/Socrates would say about my education. Through Plato’s Republic and Pedagogy I have discovered the influence my education has on who I am, and who I am not.
According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, knowledge is “information acquired by a person through experience or education.” I am no English philosopher or expert, but I feel the experiences people face, sets a goal for them to achieve. My life consisted of just that. Growing up, I found myself challenging my brain to become more alert and aware of things. This came with various activities, such as, reading the labels on air fresheners and lotions in the bathroom, constructing catchy songs or phrases to remember important studies, or simply flipping through pages of the dictionary and pointing out the words that sound interesting. I loved learning, not only because I wanted to make my loved ones proud of the “baby of the family”, but because I always envisioned myself lined up in the work of something great. I wasn’t always the coolest or most beautiful, or even first picked in sports, but in the race of learning, I was destined to be on top.
In today’s society getting an education is so important. Receiving an education is seen as a necessity that everyone should have. Now a day’s it’s almost impossible to get a job without having a college degree. Receiving a college degree is an honor and privilege, it’s also something that everyone should achieve but unfortunately not everyone is given this opportunity. Being given the opportunity to achieve a college degree is an exceptional thing that should not be taken for granted. Based on the statistics found in the source “If the World Were a Village”, it states what if only 7 out of 100 people received a college degree. These statistics show the privilege it is to receive a college degree.
Martin Luther King Jr. said, “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.” This quote provides a positive definition of the functions of an education. True education isn’t defined by the ability to remember words and numbers; it's defined by the ability to think, with character - and I completely agree. This has been the goal of the American people for a long time. Even when coming from a foundation of poverty, many people have been able to rise up from rags and become filled with riches because of an education. But many haven’t been so lucky. For some, a lack of education is a barrier of success. Due to poverty, those who are in the lower-class aren’t always provided with the motivation or the means to succeed academically. Not only that, but in some cases, education isn’t of enough importance for those who don’t have the same opportunities as those who have an educational privilege. In some cases, being raised in a low-income area could be an exposure to a considerably “bad” education, due to low funding and reduced resources for an education. Although having an education provides more opportunities for success and an end to ignorance, it is often blocked by poverty, poor academic success, and poor teaching; poor teaching can have negative influence to a person's' education.
People always say “Mothers are the greatest characters in the world.” I agree because girls' education is an important part of successful families and successful societies, and educating girls means educating a generation. They have learned the knowledge that they can inherit as their mothers. In the real life, I have seen something like this happened before, “A Mother that she doesn't have any education. She doesn’t know what she can teach her children. Now her children become a ganger. She wants to They will listen to the old people said. They don’t even know it’s that right or wrong. This is why it’s important that women need to have the education. They need to teach their children what they have learned. If they don’t learn anything how can they teach their children? But women are not just born to being a mother, they can have their own career too. Like Women are important to have the education because it can decrease child marriage, Increased Literacy, and decrease cervical cancer.
Throughout my entire life, I was always held to a much higher standard than everyone else around me, because my parents religiously reminded me to strive for success. Neither of my parents graduated from their high school because they were given the responsibility to take care of their family, rather than focusing on receiving a higher education. School and education, at the time, was not a priority for families of Asian countries. In my family, only my mother was able to work and support the family, because my father injured his back from all the hardship he endured as a kid. From a very young age, my mother prioritized and instilled the importance of education in me, as higher education becomes increasingly standardized and necessary. My mother told me that I should not be worrying about the family’s financial situation, instead, to pursue my educational and occupational dream. I’m very fortuitous that I am able to live in this time period where I can have the freedom to pursue a higher education, a freedom, and opportunity that my parents lacked.
The importance of education in the United States is stressed in words, by people who act like they want you to succeed, but do not push or motivate you to do so. My generation does want things handed to us without much effort having to be put in by us, but for most part if people push us to do things we will want to go above and beyond. I speak from my personal experience, but I know I am not the only person that can relate. People go to school just to receive a diploma or to get a degree, simply because it is instilled in us throughout our school years that if we don’t have a diploma or degree we won’t be able to get a job and be successful in life. McDonald’s will not even hire you without a high school diploma, so people do the bare minimum just to get that diploma. Students go to school to earn a grade, not to learn. I was one of those students that paid attention just so I could pass the test, then never bother to revisit what I learned.
During my childhood, my goal was to achieve my education because I knew that it was essential to success for not depending on others. Hence, having a diploma from college was my priority. What can people gain from having a college degree? Unfortunately, in 2013, my life turned in another way, my priority was not anylonger finishing my education, but taking care of my child. I was pregnant with my first child when I was 19 years old, and I stopped to go school and so that I can take care of him. It was certainly hard for me to choose between my education and my son. Nevertheless, I knew that sooner or later, I will have an opportunity to go back to study. It was my first year of my college when I dropped out of school, but my parents always pushed me to continue my education. When I think though about having a better life, I decided to go back to the college and make my dream successful. I knew that I will have more benefits by by returning to college.