
Personal Geography: Genetics And Family Environment Prior To Birth

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Personal Growth Charts
Genetics and Family Environment Prior to Birth
Many genetic problems lie in my family history. I am at risk for heart problems, most specifically heart disease or atrial fibrillation. My father had to get a pace-maker at the age of 28, and my grandfather having heart problems before that, thus I have a higher chance of those conditions. Cancer, Parkinson's, diabetes, a large nose and long arms run in the family as well. Curiously, both my mother and father are left handed as are 2 of my siblings. Additionally, I have a higher risk of addiction to cigarettes and alcohol. My mother is a heavy-set women with dark auburn hair and hazel (more green than brown) eyes. Her demeanor is of someone who doesn’t care about what …show more content…

For the first 4 years of my life, I lived in that trailer with my mother and father in Lawrenceburg, KY. On March 2, 2000 my little sister was born. My father worked at an electric company doing electrical engineering work while my mother stayed home with me, and then 22 months after my birth, with my sister Haley. My mother didn’t pay much attention to us even though she was a stay-at-home mom, so I wasn’t talked to often. I learned a lot of my words from the television I was always placed in front of. I was left alone a lot, which translated to my liking to be alone still today. I was no very close to my mother because though she was there, she didn’t engage with me. Once I was 3, I started …show more content…

I never knew why, but he never liked me or treated me as well as he did my siblings. He never took on a fatherly role to me, even though at a young age, I yearned for him to like me. As I grew older, we butted heads often as we were both the same brand of stubborn. He was an alcoholic, one who raised his voice and his hand often towards me. At the time, I thought of it simply as normal punishment for an elementary age girl. But being trapped inside a room for days at a time, or sitting at the kitchen table starving all night were not within normal boundaries. I claimed he needed to show me respect in order to get respect, but he claimed since he was older, he deserved respect even though he treated me poorly. With my mother, our relationship never really improved though I didn’t know at the time that I was treated badly. She was verbally and physically abusive as well, threatening me with shoes, fly swatters, books, anything that was within two feet of her at the time. She let my stepfather treat me poorly because he was the only one who had a job in the house. She was a stay-at-home mom even though I was in daycare after school. My summers were spent in the middle seats of our minivan, while my stepfather and mother junked for broken metal on the side of the road, even when it was 100+ degrees

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