
Personal Finance : The Management Of Funds Essay

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Indian finance is just the management of funds. With the general areas of financial services in India being business finance, personal finance, and public finance, finance in India is really comprehensive. Personal finance is entirely related to the application of finance principles, thereby helping an individual to make necessary monetary decisions. Individuals or families through this, obtain, budget, save, and spend resources (entirely monetary) taking into consideration the associated financial risks and time period. The personal finance apparatus includes savings accounts, credit cards and consumer loans, stock market investments, retirement plans, social security benefits, insurance policies, and income tax administration. Sub categories of personal finance are:
• Credit and Debt
• Employment contract
• Retirement
• Financial planning Personal Financial Management will take into account the concepts of time, money and risk are all these inter-related while planning for financial needs and, thus one should have an idea about how money should be spent and budgeted.
Following are the factors determining the Financial Behaviour of the investors.
A – Age of the Person Age of the person is the main factor, which determines one’s own financial management. If the age is low, they can earn more, save more and even spend more. However, in case of age-old persons, their income would be lower but their expenses like well-being, health would cost more. This plays an important

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