
Personal Experience In My Life

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My time working at a children’s psychiatric hospital helped me realize my strength and taught me more compassion than the rest of my life combined. Many times I had questioned if I was cut out for this work and if I was doing any good trying to help these children. I had to learn to walk on the fine line between growing thick skin and showing love and acceptance to kids who are seemingly unlovable. My experiences have continued to shape who I am had help give me perspective for when I find myself in difficult situations.
I was just starting my senior year of college for my first degree. After several years of scrounging for hours between nannying, caregiving, and at an insurance agency, my nurse roommate suggested applying at her work, a …show more content…

My teenage years, I was getting in trouble for back talking and going over my texting limits. Whereas these clients I came in contact with came from extremely broken homes, were dealing with substance abuse, and had more mental disabilities than I knew existed. Even more heartbreaking was the fact that they were between the ages of 5 and 18. As intimidating my week of orientation was and noticing all the areas I could not even begin to relate with my clients, I also had the reality that there was a reason I was led to this job and was hired on. I remember having the thought “By me smiling or not yelling when they mess up, I might be one of the only adult in their lives that shows them love.” This single thought kept me going and reminded me of why I continued to come to work each day. Based on lifestyles and experiences alone, I was not qualified and I would not make it more than a week. However, I was determined to not leave as fast as I came.
My time at this hospital I learned that humor truly is great medicine. I made it my goal to find humor after each difficult shift. From one moment to the next, I might be breaking up fights between clients, holding a client in a safety hold to keep them from self-harming themselves, sitting outside of a seclusion room while an eight-year-old yells the most profane and derogatory terms at me, or simply listening to a girl tell me the horrors she

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