
Personal Essay: Type 1 Diabetes

Decent Essays

Ever since a young boy, I was known for my crazy eating habits. I had an abnormally large sweet tooth and stomach. There would be days I would eat a whole bag of candy and still have a taste for more sweets. I had a fairly thin physique with some muscle tone. Everybody told me that one day, I’ll become obese and regret all these “bad” decisions; I disregarded every comment and lived by the motto, “ As long as I don’t get fat, I’m fine.” As I grew older, the only thing on my body that got bigger was my stomach. By the age of 9, throughout the year, I gradually found myself going to the bathroom every 25 minutes. I also became extremely thirsty, only minutes after every drink. My mom thought I was crazy and just a kid with “weird tendencies” but to her and my surprise. …show more content…

There were times I woke up in the middle of the night feeling drowsy because I have a blood sugar of 34, which normally is should be around 150. My mother’s cousin had type 1 diabetes. He didn’t take control over his disease. He never took shots, he was a drunk, and he never tested. My mom’s cousin never saw the importance of vigilance of diabetes. He died at the age of 51. He did significant damage to his organs which resulted in a short lived-life. Playing sports with diabetes is very difficult as well. Activity lowers blood sugar levels, which makes it hard to maintain it at a safe level the whole game. To achieve equilibrium between carbohydrates and activity is close to impossible to achieve. I am 18 years old now, 8 years since my diagnosis, and I have learned many things from encountering diabetes. I balance what I eat, with an occasional sweet to satisfy my sweet tooth. I’ve learned management. I balance school, sports, and other extracurricular activities with my

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