
Personal Essay: An Outsider

Satisfactory Essays

When it comes to religion I have always felt like an outsider looking in. I grew up as a ‘relaxed Catholic’, going to religion classes, getting my Reconciliation, my Communion, and my Confirmation, but all the while I had my doubts about the things being told to me. People would tell me that I have to believe that in order to save yourself, I must believe explicitly that God existed and that he rewards the good and punishes the wicked. The idea that the whole world was created and that I must believe in this perplex idea of a poor man who walked on water, cured blindness, rose from the dead, and was for some reason white even though he was born in Bethlehem (which is in modern day Palestine) was something that caused me to push away from religion totally.
I would tell myself that I was an atheist or at the very least agnostic. I felt like if I could not believe whole heartedly then I …show more content…

After I had begun to develop a relationship with a power greater than myself. Call it God, call it 'insert your belief system here'. I began to realize that we are praying all of the time and that we just aren't conscious of what we are praying to or for. As humans, we have the impulse to worship and to long for a connection to something that is greater than yourself. Everyday we think to something greater than us and ask for advice, or for guidance in the way we live and things that are going on in our lives. In the culture that we live in, we are impelled to worship physical things, that are fake and have no substance. Things like the celebrity culture, and capitalistic ideas, popularity or the idea that you must nice belongings that you can show off to others. Once you surmount the idea of this cupidity and self-obsessing, then you will find what you are truly looking for. If how you think is of yourself first, then you can and will spend your whole life worshipping and longing something that you will never

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