
Personal Boundaries Research Paper

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Personal Boundaries Introduction The popular sign that reads, “No trespassing--violators will be prosecuted,” means that there be a consequence if you violate that boundary. This type of boundary is easy to comprehend because it is a physical sign and usually is on a physical border. Personal boundaries are harder to understand because the line between what is appropriate and not is invisible and unique to each person. Boundaries are guidelines, rules or limits that a person creates to identify for themselves what are reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to behave around them and how they will respond when someone steps outside those limits (Boundaries, 2015). There are many types of personal boundaries that people establish …show more content…

It is fine and healthy to inquire about a partner's sexual limits and desires, but some people may be uncomfortable doing certain things so it is important to set a sexual boundary. People have the right to say no to anything sexual that would be uncomfortable to them. Spiritual boundaries are when a person has the right to believe in his/her own spiritual or religious beliefs. When appropriate spiritual boundaries are in place, there is room for differences in each person’s perspective. Respect is the basis for the relationship, and there is no hidden agenda for changing the other person’s beliefs. Each person sets boundaries for different reasons. Many use boundaries for protection. These limits keep out what is bad, so they can remain safe and able to express their true self. It also protects one from letting others control their self, and it makes it easier to say no when needed. With anything there are always two sides. Boundaries can be either healthy or unhealthy. Having healthy boundaries allows a person to develop high self-esteem and self-respect. Being able to say no to things that make you uncomfortable. Also, be able to recognize that your boundaries and needs are different from …show more content…

It is about bettering an individual's self-esteem and self-respect. After setting boundaries people can feel more empowered and self-confident because they are communicating their self-worth to those around them. The more someone holds on to his/her boundaries, the more love, respect, and support they will have in life. Conclusion Boundaries must be preserved because they are crucial to positive self identity and self-esteem. People must be able to differentiate our thoughts and feelings from those of others. Major problems arise when one person, especially a person in authority, tries to control, overpower or devalue another person's thoughts or feelings. We have the right and responsibility to define our feelings and needs and determine how we want to communicate these to others. Personal boundaries, just like the “No trespassing” sign, define where you end and others begin and are determined by the amount of physical and emotional space you allow between yourself and others. Personal boundaries help you decide what types of communication, behavior, and interaction are acceptable. “Your personal boundaries protect the inner core of your identity and your right to choices.” -Gerard Manley Hopkins

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